New discoveries

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Emily pov:
Hi I'm Emily fields and right now I'm sitting with my sisters Spencer and cece and our friends friends Hanna ,aria and Alison. We have all been friends since we were puppies. Yeah I said puppies because we all are hybrids. Oh yeah did I mention I'm in love with Alison. I'm not the only one to fall in love with someone out of the group Spencer is in love with aria. And cece is in love with Hanna. Aria , Hanna, and Alison are our mates, and it's good to mark early because it gives you a better bond with them. Since me, Spencer and cece are the most powerful hybrids triplets we can read each other mind and have conversations telepathically.

Mind conversation
Em: guys I think we should do it now. I mean they are our mates after all. What's the worse that can happen.

Spence: sure i can't wait to have aria.
Cece: I say we go for it.
Emily : ok great.

End of Mind conversation

Me : Alison , Hanna , aria. We have something to tell you.
Alison: what is is
Cece : well this is gonna be hard to process but ... um...
Spencer rolls her eyes
Spencer : we are you mates. See was that so hard.
I looked back at the girls and they just started laughing
Me: what's so funny
Hanna : we know that you are our mates. You do know that we are part werewolf too
Cece : oh yeah. I forget that a lot.
Me, Spencer , and cece: so can we give this a try.
Aria : yes we can but stop doing that talking at he same time thing. It's is creepy.

Spencer : what Hanna and Alison do it all the time
Hanna and Alison: what no we don't !!.... ok maybe we do.

When they said that they ran up to us and aria went to Spencer , Hanna went to cece . And Alison came to me. They gave us the biggest kiss of out life. It was like I was in heaven. After that we went up stairs and each couple went to separate ways to start this marking process😏

Spencer pov
I woke up the next morning and still can't believe what happened last night. I marked aria. Basically when you mark someone you have to share a intimate moment with them(sex) and then bite them to mark them as yours forever. When you mark them a birth mark pops up. Every body's is different mine is a crescent moon , cece's is a have moon and Emily's is a full moon. It's like that because Emily was born first then cece then me. It's awesome. I looked to me side saw that aria was still sleep. I shook her
" babe wake up. "
Aria: " no I'm too tired and sore from yesterday. Why didn't you tell me you were that big
Me: it was only 11 inches
Aria: you say it like it's nothing
Me: whatever. Would you like some breakfast.
Aria : I would love that.
I went down stairs after putting some clothes on. Soon after Emily and cece came downstairs laughing.
Me: what are you guys laughing at.

Emily: when we woke up both Hanna and Alison were complaining that they were sore because we were "two big" I don't see how 11 inches is too big.
Cece: me neither
Me:😂😂😂. Aria said the same thing. Oh well. So how does it feel to have mated last night.
Cece : it feels awesome and Hanna is soooooo good in bed. Like I mean a freak in the sheets.
Emily : you too. Alison was taking it all. It got scary at some moments. What about you Spencer.
Me: mine and aria first time was very gentle... but then the next few rounds kept having her begging for more
We laughed and did our special hand shake.
" I'm glade you guys enjoyed it". We turned around to see Hanna, Alison , and aria

Me: oh shit. Aria I didn't mean for you to hear th--

Aria: it's ok. Really. But if you are gonna tell the story tell it right. If I can remember right. It was you who was begg--
Me: OK. That's enough.
I said and my cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

Emily and Cece started laughing.

Aria : aww babe I'm sorry

Hanna and Alison: I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. Because you were worse.

Now it was my turn to laugh and they just growled at me and I growled back.

Hanna pov :

"Ok break it up. You guys were amazing yesterday. don't you girls agree" I said.

Oh yes they said.

Me: " alright girl how about we go talk in the living room while the men in the relationship make breakfast."
Alison :" it's like you read me mind sis"
Me : that is because I did

We made our way into the living room and we were talking when a question popped into my head.

" hey you guys. How big was Emily and Spencer "
They looked at me and Alison said " OMG. It was so big I didn't think it was gonna fit." " I thought it was just me. I felt Spencer in my stomach. What about you Hanna. How was cece." " I can't even put it into words that's how big it was. " we started laughing. But then We heard "you guys know we can hear you right. "
I chuckled as they brung us our food and sat down with us.
" so how big are all of you "
"11 inches". They said without a care in the world. I nearly chocked on my food. After I got over that we relaxed and just spent the day with our mates before we had to tell our parents. I hope they take it well.

First chapter so excited

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