Two Weeks Later

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I woke up slowly with a small moan, when I woke up Jason was next to me, he had started crying when I woke up and it made me cry to. He pushed the hair out of my face and I smiled weakly at him. The first thing I realised is that my vision wasn't blurry "I-I can see you" I said quietly in amazement.

He smiles at me weakly "the doctor said that you are a miracle, and that as long as you woke up you should be fine" he said through tears. I smiled and reached for him. He took my hand in both of his "do you want to sit?" He asked quietly and I nod. He stood up and reached for me. I grabbed onto him and he lifted me into a sitting position. I felt a small throb in my lower left arm and I looked at it. There was an IV. I sighed and looked up at Jason "can we get this out?" I asked quietly. He shrugged softly. "I'll get Dr. Carter" then he left.

I looked around the small room and to my amazement it was filled with gifts. Their was flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals, and more. I looked at all the things in amazement when Jason and Dr. Carter walked in I looked at them "who dropped off all this stuff?" I asked curiously. Jason grinned "everyone, the selected, your family, the I think it's clear you're a favorite" my eyes teared up at the thought "they all did this.. for me?" I asked and he nodded. In that moment I wanted to hug every person in this country. "Thank you" I said quietly through tears. Jason walked over and wiped away my tears gently and I smiled at him.

Dr. Carter walked over "so prince Jason told me that your IV was bothering you" I nodded "yes, I was wondering if we can get it taken out." She sighed softly "I will have to run a couple tests but it everything checks out we should be good." "Alright" I say quietly and look up at the clock and see that it is time for the report "Jason?" I ask looking over at him. "Yes?" He answers coming closer to me "shouldn't you be on the report?" I ask confused. He shakes his head "I've only been on once since your accident and I really was forced to, but the only thing I talked about was you" he whispered and I smile softly.

Dr. Carter looks up at Jason "since the report is on right now"you should go tell everyone that she is awake and recovering." "Okay" he said quietly then leaned down and kissed my cheek "I'll be back" I smile "see you soon" then he walks out.

"He only left your side once" I turn to Dr. Carter "he must really like you" she continues and I smile softly "what about the other girls?" She shrugs "the only time they saw him was if they came to visit you or that one time on the report, some girls I think really wanted to see you, others I'm pretty sure just came to see him." I frown softly "he should have been with them,not with me" I whisper so she can't hear.

She takes some blood and my pulse. By that time Jason is back in the room along with Queen Kambria and King Leland We talk in hushed voices, they tell me that some of the selected wanted to join in coming here but they are at a mandatory meeting with Rebecca. I smile reassuringly and tell them that I can see them later. Dr. Carter finishes her tests and tells me that everything looks great. I smile gratefully and she sits in a chair next to the bed to get the IV out. I bite my lip as I get ready for the pain and I clench my fists. The king and queen leave after I see the king wink at me and I grin. Jason walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed and takes my hand. I smiled weakly at him. Then the doctor begins to remove my IV. I bite the inside of my lip hard to keep from crying out and squeeze Jason's hand.

When it's over the doctor says that I can go to my room to finish the recovery. I thank her for everything then try to stand up. When I put weight on my legs my knees buckle and I fall. Jason catches me and just scoops me up and carries me off to my room.

I hold onto him with a small smile as I watch him. He sets me in my bed gently and I sigh.

I hold his hand "thank you for everything" I whisper quietly and he smiled and sits on the edge of the bed and brushes the hair out of my face "please just recover quickly" I smile and nod "I'm planning on it" I say jokingly and he chuckles and kisses my cheek "you should sleep" and I groan "haven't I done enough of that" he laughs and I laugh to.

I sit up carefully and scoot over so he can sit next to me, he does and wraps an arm around my waist. I lean into him gently and we sit there like that is silence for a couple minutes. We were interrupted by a knock on my door.

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