Soul-Mates Found

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The journey continued through the night and to pass the time we played games of chess and checkers on the inlayed wooden table that also served as a cartographer's desk and navigation table. 

"I'm getting a bit tired." I told grandfather as I stretched my arms after losing another game.  "Where do I bunk?"

"Can'na take the heat, eh lad?  Well, you will be in the first mate's cabin below, first door on the right."

"Good night grandfather," I stated as I directed my sleepy feet to the ornate cabin door.

I entered the room and saw that it was small and hexagonal, with only one stained-glass portal.  I located a small table and wardrobe closet at one end of the room. At the other end rested a single bed with railings carved to look like horned adders. The bed's four cornerposts looked like small trees, roots and all.  The bedspread depicted a flying creature that I had never before beheld.  It appeared to be reptilian, but it had the beak of a marsh hawk and tail of a swamp lizard. 

"That's remarkable!" I commented, but had I not been so tired I would have studied it more.  Instead, I pulled back the covers, took off my boots and changed into my night clothing it seemed in one swift motion.  I jumped into the inviting covers and slumber came swiftly.

The bright light of morning hammered its way into the room via the portal.  At least that is how it seemed when it awoke me.  I quickly readied myself to see grandfather.

I found him on the emerald deck above.  He was seated and enjoying the fresh morning air at a curiously designed octagonal table of the same color as the deck.  "Morning to you Grandfather."

"Likewise my good lad.  Have a seat." He said as he motioned to the table.  He chuckled at my confusion because I could see no seats to be had.   The only seat visible was the one he sat upon. What I saw was an eight-sided box with intricately carved wooden lattices for sides. "Push the button on the side." Grandfather motioned with his chin.

I located the button in the shape of a dragon on one side of the octagon.  When I pushed it the side of the table slid out revealing a seat of the same shape as the segment of the table.  "How ingenious! Eight seats concealed in a table and protected from the elements." I exclaimed.

I sat in the chair, which to my amazement, though connected to the table, swiveled for easy access and egress.  "So grandfather, where are we going?"

"Dunna know for sure, but I have an idea.  We are on-course for the location of which I am thinking." He winked at me and continued sipping his red bean tea. 

"What direction would that be?" I pressed.

"We are heading due southeast, following the transcontinental current."  He took another sip from the straw that extended into the steaming beans in his cup.

"How can you tell?" I queried, "All the clouds look the same."

"That is where you are wrong lad."  He pointed to a dark cloud-mass billowing up. "That is a cumulo-nimbus thunder cloud.  At this time of year this only occurs in the south.  Look at those clouds over there."  He pointed behind us.  "See how they follow us?  The only current big enough for all of those to be following us is the transcontinental."  Again he winked. "Besides, I looked at the guide stone when I woke up."  He pointed to the pedestal with a round top covered in a bubble of clear crystal.

I walked over to the pedestal and saw a map of the world with an oblong stone the color of a sunrise marking our location and direction.  The stone was slowly moving toward the bottom right corner of the map.  I noticed that the external lip of the circular top was marked with directional symbols and that the whole device swiveled to be able to take a bearing based on the direction of the point of the guide stone.

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