Facing Loss

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Chapter 2.5

The Alphas invited Nicolette to visit the compound and she graciously accepted. She and Nina were so close and really cared for each other. Nina's acceptance of her made it easy for the other wolves to accept her as well. The only one that had a problem was young Malcolm. It wasn't that he disliked Nicolette, but what she represented. He knew Kyra wanted to move to Nashville and attend school there. That was too far away. She's live with the bloodsucker and he'd end up losing his best friend. He knew Kyra was not his mate, but she was very important to him.

Malcolm was not very popular in the pack. He was Omega, so he often bore the brunt of most jokes. Kyra didn't treat him like the others. She was nice to him and accepted him. If she moved away, he would be alone again. Javon noticed the sullen look and demeanor of the young wolf. He was aware of the friendship he'd formed with the young she wolf.

Malcolm, I need to see you in my office. Javon sent to the young man mentally as everyone visited and celebrated with the young graduates.

Yes sir, Alpha he responded.

Elise and the other women were talking with Nina and Nicolette, laughing at exploits the two women shared of their time together.

Malcolm entered his Alpha's office. Head bowed in submission, he waited for the other shoe to drop. "Malcolm, sit. I've asked your father to join us as well." Malcolm's heart began to pound.

"I know Kyra is your friend and you don't want her to leave, but she has to go son. It won't be forever, and who knows maybe she'll change her mind decide to come back sooner. I'm worried about you." Javon explained softly to the young male.

"Alpha, I'm fine. I will miss my friend. That's all." Malcolm retorted.

"Son, I know you will miss her, but remember, we are here for you as well." His father explained.

"Dad, I know. I'll miss her that's all. But, I'll be alright." Malcolm explained.

He embraced his dad with a quick hug from the Alpha and they returned to the dining hall where everyone was talking. Javon and Malcolm's father watched the young man upon his return.

"Hey best friend." Kyra greeted Malcolm the moment she caught him alone. "Let's walk." The two of them walked down Cypress Lane, stopping at a small lake at the end. Malcolm sat on a big rock as Kyra took a deep breath to speak to him.

"Hey, what's going on Malcolm? You haven't said three words to me all day since Nicky came." Kyra asked hurt. She missed joking with her friend.

"You're leaving Kyra. I don't want you to go." Malcolm explained.

"Malcolm, you can come to Nashville to visit. I'll come home often and we can always talk and chat online. Come on, it will be alright." She embraced her friend.

Malcolm held her back. She was his best friend, his only friend. She meant the world to him. Her leaving felt like a knife to his heart. Kyra Daniels was the best, and if she met someone there, he'd lose her forever. That scared him more than anything.

The Alphas extended an invitation to Nicolette to stay at the compound. She refused because she was staying with Nina at her small home. The two friends talked all night. Nicolette agreed to allow Kyra to live with her and attend State College. The next day, Nicolette returned home to make arrangements to receive her young guest. Nicholette also wanted to pop in on Celia. Celia was hiding something. She wasn't sure what, but she'd find out.

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