Secrets, Makuhwa & Church

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"As we prepare for today's offering, Mwari ngaashande mauri! Let God work in your heart! Muviri wako ngauve unoshandira zvinangwa zvaJehovah! If God speaks to you and tells you to tithe 10% ko iwe chaunoisira 5% chii? KuInsulter Mwari ka uku? You are not letting God work mumwoyo mako!!!"

The congregation roared into rapturous applause! They shouted 'Prophet of God! Prophet of God!' as he had become dearly known. Pastor Mujati had done it again! Another packed Sunday full of Zimbabweans with hope. Over a relatively short 2-year stint as head Pastor at Temberi Yashe Ministries, he had commandeered the respect of maZimbabwean akawanda. He was hardly into his mid 30s but was very well-respected. This church was the new place to 'experience God and the Holy Spirit'. Pastor Mujati was the anointed one, a man of God. The money obviously followed.

As the service ended, Pastor Mujati waited in the lobby naMai Mufundisi to greet and converse with his flock. This was his weekly routine and vanhu felt close to him through his openness. Many would queue up to simply shake his hand. Ndizvo zvinoita murume waMwari. The man always dressed sharply in tailored Caraceni designer suits. Mai Mufundisi had a personal tailor who ensured she never wore anything someone else did. Her shoes would only be sourced overseas. Appearance was of utmost importance to what they were trying to achieve. This was the life of a successful pastor and his wife muZimbabwe. A prayerful nation.

"Mufundisi service yenyu nhasi was very powerful!"

"Amen my sister Primrose!" he said with a smile. "God wants you kuti ubve pano uri mutsva, every time you come from His holy place unenge wakachenuka." he said vakabata her right hand inside his big strong hands gently squeezing it.

"Amen Pastor!" she agreed. "Pastor I was wondering if you could help me nekundinamatirawo. I am facing a difficult patch and it is affecting my family."

"My sister Primrose, I believe you were called to do greater things pasi pano. 1 Samuel 2:30 says 'Those who honour me I will honour, but those who despise me will be disdained.' You can come by my office later and I will pray for you nhai ka?"

"Thank you Pastor. Our God is merciful and holy. Kana maona zvakakodzera, I can only follow your word."

Pastor Mujati smiled at her vakamutarisa iye Primrose wacho neCorner reziso as she walked away. He tried to act like he was not doing it. The very tight red dress and black Louboutins she wore shaped her every curve. Munoziva dressing iya yekuti 'ndionei'? It was hard not to notice. Gogo yaPrimrose yainzwika paWooden Floor yemuFoyer achifamba. Otherwise known as Amai Nicholas, Primrose was one of madzimai eruwadzano. She detested being called Amai Nicholas, it made her feel old. No one had ever seen Nicholas wacho and her husband was always unable to attend church, which raised many question marks. He must have been a very busy man.

At the tender age of 35, she was on to her third husband. Almost everyone at Temberi Yashe knew her. She was always at the forefront and enjoyed being centre of attention. Her exquisite and somewhat provocative dress sense was the talk amongst men and women alike. Zvaipfekwa ipapo always accentuated her deliciously perfect curves. She was a thick one, in all the places that mattered. MaDesigner aya: Gucci, Michael Kors, Lana Marks, Fendi... She had them all. Mamwe madzimai aingodemba kushuvira. Vanhu vakawanda vepaTemberi Yashe Ministries wondered how she could afford her affluent lifestyle. After all zhet rake chairo was never known. If anything, many women were afraid she could snatch their husbands at any time. Such was her allure you could describe her as a walking orgasm.

About an hour after the service, the good Pastor made his way to the office. Pastor Mujati vaitaura naDeacon Cedric Dube, who was the treasurer, discussing the day's takings.

" I want some good news Deacon"

"I think we almost broke our own record today Pastor. R12,875.00, USD$5,440.00, £1,050 and K25,840 Zim Kosha."

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