Chapter 8 "Calm Winds"

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(The group moves swiftly through the remaining stretch of the Night pack’s territory and into the Whirling Wind’s pack’s turf. Where a new friend was sitting in waits for them all to arrive.)

Akkrah: Well we’re almost out of the Night pack’s territory.

Raz: And soon will be in the Whirling Wind’s pack territory.

Lily: I wonder what this one will look like? -jumps on Darks back riding him while she takes a break with a sigh-

Dark: I don’t know. If we’re lucky it’ll be someone around your age so that you two can play.

Raz: Right now I just hope its someone that will talk a little more and not be so mysterious, like a certain wolf that just joined up with us.

Autumn: Raz that’s mean.

Raz: Hum.

Akkrah: Autumn pay him no mind and Dark don’t let what my brother says get to you.

Dark: I’m not. And Lily quit moving so much or you’re going to fall off.

Lily: But I’m not moving that much…-her foot starts to slip and she scrambles to get back up-

Dark: (Dark catches Lily and pushes her back up on his back.) See. Now I told you, you were going to fall if you didn’t sit still. *chuckles a bit*

Raz: -grumbles under his breath- grrr...I swear..

Akkrah: *brother that’s how things are right now. He’s someone who can relate to her on a family level. Just leave it be. -giggles-*

Raz: *Fine, but he hurts her and that’s it.*

Akkrah: * I don’t see that happening, but whatever suits you.* (Looks at Dark and Lily and smiles)

Lily: -does a little howl and looks straight- Onward big brother!!!

Dark: You got it little sis. *chuckles*

Autumn: How much farther until we reach on the next territory?

Kyo: If I’m not mistaking, we’re almost there.

Lily: -smiles widely- Hear that big brother? Lets push the limits and charge in!

Dark: I hear it little sis, but we’re not going to charge into anything. The Whirling Winds pack is a pack of wise and calm wolves, but they can get pretty mean if they feel threatened.

Lily: -pouts and does the puppy eyes-

Dark:*smiles at her.* We’ll let Akkrah decide.

Akkrah: We’re walk the rest of the way there and when we get to the border if Dark feels like it he and you can charge to the other side. Alright, Lily?

Lily: -pouts- Alright...but just telling you guys big brother will be faster!

Autumn: I don’t doubt that. *laughs a bit*

Kyo: Neither do I. I’m more for the slow pace anyhow.

Raz: *grumbles a bit, but says nothing.*

Akkrah: We’re almost there. See that rock that’s shaped like bear, Lily?

Lily: -smiles- Uh huh.

Dark: That marks the end of the Night pack’s territory and the beginning of the Whirling Wind’s.

So little sister. Start counting to three and I’ll run up to it, but you better hold on tight, k.

Lily: -gets overly excited- Alright! -holds on tight- 1! 2! 3! Go!

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