Chapter Four

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Levina opened her eyes to the bright stars and full moon. Owls hooted softly and Levina looked around wide-eyed at the sights and sounds. It was then that she realized the wagon was not moving. Being careful not to jostle her head, she raised up and quickly realized that everyone else was asleep in the wagon. Cautiously, she crept around and over the sleeping forms till she reached the back. With a quiet sigh, she lowered herself down and walked towards the small grove of palm trees nearby. It appeared as though they had stopped at an oasis to rest for the night. The water was crystal clear and filled with a soft blue glow from the moonlight.

With a pain filled groan, Levina sat next to the glowing pool. The water would ease the pain of her aching head. She carefully eased into the water, not minding her clothes. They needed rinsed off from the journey anyway and there was no possible way to secure privacy at the moment. Levina sighed in relief when the cool water flowed over her body. She did not know how long she relaxed in the pool. She drifted into a pleasant sleep.

She awoke to voices softly drifting behind her. She turned every so carefully, fearful of who may be lurking nearby. Ferns where blocking her view but she soon recognized the soft voice of Juvia.

"Juvia is so grateful that her dear Gajeel saved her. How can Juvia repay you?"

Levina sucked in a breath heavily when a deep velvety voice answered Juvia.

"There is no need Juvia. You know I would do anything to save you. You are all I have left."

She had heard enough, Levina quietly rose from the water and slinked away.

What a fool I am. Thinking he would sweep me off my feet like some storybook prince. I shouldn't have believed all those stupid books. He was saving his beloved and I just happened to also need saving. And of course I believed that he was going to be my knight in shining armor. How foolish.

Levina smacked her cheek hard enough to slightly sting.

Get a grip. You just met the man its not like you were magically destined to be together like a silly children's book romance.

She shook her head and attempted to bury her feelings. After all only fools believed in fairy tales.

* * *

Levina slowly returned to the wagon. Natsu and Lucy were still fast asleep. They had fallen asleep next to each other and had over the night entangled in each other. Lucy was laying across Natsu's chest and his hand was curled around her back in a protective hug. Levina giggled softly despite her low mood. She knew how taken Lucy had been at their first meeting. And she knew that Lucy's fiery personality would go along well with Natsu and his adorable goofiness. She shook her head and turned to the sacks in the wagon.

Good lord. I really have read too many fairy tales. This isn't some silly fantasy story this is the real world, Levina!

Levina rummaged through the merchant bags until she found some commoner clothes that were near her size. With a sigh, she turned back the way she came this time turning towards the grove of palm trees to avoid the others in their little group. As quickly as she could she changed out of her wet, brightly colored top and silken pants and put on the more practical brown clothing. With the scarf secure around her head in a loose knot, she grabbed her cast offs and returned once again to her sleeping companions. The sun was slowly beginning to rise on the horizon as she reached the wagon. Laying the wet clothes out to dry, Levina heard a quiet yawn behind her.

She chuckled softly, "Enjoy your warm pillow, Lucy?"

There was a sleepy, "Huh?" then a muffled, "Eep!" and a very red faced Lucy was next to Levina.

Levina held a hand to her own mouth in an attempt to quiet her laugh, but it didn't work.

"Shush! Be quiet your going to wake him!" Lucy squawked out before there was another voice behind her.

"Wake who up?" Natsu yawned and rubbed his eyes, dumb with sleep so, luckily for Lucy, did not catch on.

"N-no one! I-I'm going to the pool!" Lucy, still red as a cherry, ran off quickly to the water.

Levina was still laughing when suddenly warm arms wrapped around her waist.

"What's so funny?" Natsu laid his head on her shoulder and she very quickly went from laughing and carefree to rigid and red faced herself.

"Uh well ah..." Levina stuttered at lost with the sudden touching. She quickly leaned forward and walked a couple feet away, "I should go with Lucy, we shouldn't go anywhere alone," and without another look she took off after Lucy.

The blonde in question was splashing water on her face when Levina approached.

"I can't believe I did that! How humiliating!"

Levina gave Lucy a comforting hug, "It's okay Lucy, I mean you were both asleep and I mean he had his arm wrapped around you so I mea-"

"Wait WHAT?! Really?!" Lucy buried her face in her hands, "I feel so humiliated."

Levina patted her head, "It'll be fine, Lucy, really. It's obvious that you like him. I'm sure he'll be just as interested in you if you talk to him and try to get to know him."

And when I push him in your direction. Goddess knows you would be better for him.

"You really think so, Levy?" Lucy looked up with a small twinkle of hope.

"Of course I do dear. You would be perfect together," Levina kissed Lucy's forehead, "Come on, Lucy, we still have a long journey ahead of us. I can't wait to welcome you to my true home."

Lucy grinned wide and grabbed Levina's hand, "I can't wait either, Levy."

As they walked back to the others, Juvia called out towards the girls with a grin on her face.

"Gajeel said a couple more days travel and we will see the border of the kingdom!"

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