Chapter One

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The waves crash smoothly on the sand creating a pattern with the water; up the sand, and down the sand.  The sand under my feet gets stuck between my toes as I walk around the empty beach. I suddenly feel a drop of water fall onto my arm; I look up and notice the grey clouds that have filled the sky. The rain starts to fall down harder. I quickly head to the trees for more protection from the rain. It is hard to run through the sand, but the water makes it easier. I hear the rain hitting the ground with anger, and passion. I reach a tree and hide under it's branches. The rain still hits me, just not as hard. A near piece of plastic was making a loud noise from the rain slapping it. I sit down, giving almost no thought to the fact that the dirt would stick to the bottom of my shorts. 

After a few minutes the rain decides to leave me alone and goes away. I stand up and try to get all the dirt off of my butt. I walk back onto the beach, and look at the water; the waves have gone back to the pattern they were once following before. The sky was blue again, and the sun peered through some of the passing clouds. 

I take off my shorts, and then my shirt; revealing my lilac colored bikini with two ties in the back. I throw my discarded clothes onto the sand and run over to the water. I stop before I hit the water, and I look how the water never breaks its loop. I dip the tip of my foot into the water; it's cold but refreshing. I take a step in, and then another, and the another, and then another. The water reaches my knees, and I go in farther until the water reaches my shoulders. The feeling of water surrounding me relaxed me, and I let my head go under. I feel the water all around me as I swim forward. 

I go up for air, and look at the shore. All of a sudden I notice someone walking onto the beach. I swim in closer to shore to see if there is really someone there. I go up on land and try to figure out who it could possibly be. 

I tried to run over to a tree without being seen by whoever was there. I got the the tree. It was the same one I had used earlier to hide from the rain. I looked out to see if I could now see the person who was there. I saw no one, the beach was empty. 

"Hi." I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Wes standing behind me. I was hoping my face wasn't turning red. 

"Hey." I tried to say but could only whisper. Now I was red, with embarrassment. He put his hand on my red face and brought me in closer to his. Our lips touched. At first it was soft and gentle, then it was more rough and intense. He put his other hand on my back, and I put both of my hands behind his head. I could feel the heat of his body as it brushed up against me. The clouds got darker again, and the rain started to pour. I forgot about my clothes that were now getting soaked, I forgot about how embarrassed I felt when I first saw him appear, and I forgot about absolutely everything except what was going on right now.

"I love you" He said while continuing to kiss me. 

"I--" I start to say but get interrupted by a loud beeping sound. Everything starts to fade away, the water, then the sand, then the tree, and then Wes.

I open my eyes and look around. I'm still in my bedroom with yellow walls and purple colored bedding. I quickly hit my alarm clock, and try to fall back asleep to return to my dream world. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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