Majestic Creation

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This one is probably one of my oldest...I'm still not sure how it turned out, but hey, I like it. 

Majestic Creation

An eagle soars, a feather falls,

Sun glints off rock,

Water glides down slopes,

Lakes sparkle in the sun,

Fish leap from the waters,

A doe flies across the path,

A rabbit hops the other way,

The trees they tower so high,

Their colourful leaves come gracefully down

The bright coloured leaves crunch under my feet,

The trees majestically surround me

A rabbit bounces back the way he came,

A doe darts away at the sound of my step,

The fish keep leaping, not seeing my shadow

The lake waters dazzle my eyes

Waterfalls rushing sounds create music

The rocks shine so bright in the sun rays

An eagle drops from the sky, catching a fish

The mountain peak towers above

The mountains so amazing,

The forests so special

Most beautiful in fall

Rushing water falls, never ending

Delicate animals, shy and careful

Cool shining rays, straight from the sun

Who could not love, this world of ours

Created by God, in heaven above

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