Pls pull though lauren chapter -5

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  🚨Read author's note🚨
Lauren's pov-

"I don't know what to do with her"
Wait is that....I think that's Demi "maybe rehab" that's a unfamiliar voice she hasn't introduced me to anyone yet .wait did I just hear rehab?!!!" No way Rissa I barely survived there and I was 8 fucking teen" well there goes her sailor mouth.but thank the heavens I'm not gone be sent away. I owe her. "Wait I think she's starting to wake up" Demi says.i open my eyes and try to wipe my eyes but pain is quickly shot through my left arm." Ahhhhh fuck"I scream out in pain "watch your language missy" Demi says calm yet stern."what happ-" I pause mid second when the events from last night flood my mind like Sierra Falls." Oh...." I say remembering " you have some explaining to do lil lady"Demi says sternly. By now Marisa I'm guessing who that was has took it as her que to leave. I bet she's still listening .by now Demi is sitting next to me rubbing circles in my hand. " why'd you do it lolo" if I'm being completely honest right now I don't know.god I'm so stupid who doesn't know why they cut." Your not stupid" Demi tells me giving me a sympathetic look. " I said that out loud didn't I " I ask curiously but pretty much already know the answer."ye-" Demi gets interrupted mid sentence by her phone ringing. " hello"..........." I totally forgot u know me"......."yea okay I'll be there in about an hour....bye" With that she hung up the phone. " Your leaving me aren't you" I say now looking her dead in the eye.she giving me a sympathetic look." I'm sorry baby , but I forgot that I have to go to the studio today then meetings and I have a interview later.""Of fucking course you do."" I'll get someone to watch you baby I'm so sorry baby, but let me get ready to leave." I mutter a okay and walk to my room not even bother to shut my door. I plop on my bed ignoring the pain shooting through my arm. Soon drifting off to a sweet dream less sleep.
------/////----time skip to after nap-----/////---
(Still Lauren's pov)
My eyes flutter open and as soon as the scent of bacon hits my nose I'm up on my feet.( I didn't know what to put so I just put that I cook bacon for dinner all the time so I hope that's normal) I dart downstairs but trip over air and hit my arm on the glass table shattering it in the process. Not even a milli second later Marissa is trying to see if I am okay. I try to say something but I feel a hot substance touching my body everywhere. I look down and scream while all most vomiting. My bone is ticking out of my arm and the pool of blood is getting bigger by the second, until it all gets dark.
Marissa's pov-
Demi is going to kill me her daughter is laying in a pool of her own blood .bleeding to death.wait what am I doing. I pick up the house phone and call 911 while trying to FaceTime Demi .
-----/////----skip 911 call----////////////-------
Demi finally picks up. D=Demi M=Marissa
D- Marisa I have to record so make it quick.
M- get down to the hospital like now!!!
I say while switching around the camera.
D-I think I'm gonna barf then kill you mar.
Demi says trying to hold back tears.
M-just meet me at the hospital.
------/////-----skip ambulance ride---/////-----
I see them wheel Lauren away on a gurney. And I see Demi already there looking at Lauren being rushed off."what happened" Demi ask through hysterics." I'm not too sure one minute I'm cooking them I hear loud foot steps running down the stairs and she slid across the hardwood and ran into the glass table and boom . Everything just happened so fast" I say not even fully processing what has happened yet. We sit down and wait for what seems like centuries until we hear the booming voice of a might I say mighty handsome guy. " family of Lauren jauregui-lovato " the handsome Doctor calls. We Stand up so fast I think I might be nauseous. We walk over to the doctor with tear brimmed, and hope full eyes." She lost a lot of blood , she had to have several blood transfusions . But she slipped away for almost 5 minutes we were about to declare her when we heard a heart beat.shes stable now but we don't expect her to be up until tomorrow maybe late tonight at the earliest." Oh my god I thought she was gone for a second there. "
Can we see her" Demi ask " yes, and might I say you guys have a fighter on your hands.i honestly didn't expect her to pull through. We will be keeping very close tabs on her though.with extra security here since you all are famous." He say showing us to where Lauren's room is. The moment he opens the door and we hear the flat line me and Demi both broke down.everything happened in what seemed like slow motion .we are quickly escorted to a private waiting from different from the one before. Me and Demi curl up on opposite sides of corners. Not daring to break the silence.
---//////------/author's note--////----////------
Okay so first off I'm so sorry for the delays I'm busy so this is the one chance I got to write . This chapter is longer. I'm trying to make them longer and update faster. But I'm writing this while on my way to Florida . Btw I live in Georgia. Oh and Im going to the girls convert and I can't wait! They say that the us leg is supposed to be bigger and better and different from anything they have ever done. But stay strong and remember I'm always here for y'all oh and every single one of y'all are gorgeous don't let anyone ever tell you different. But u still need someone who will help write this book with me dm me or text me on kik if interested. This way you will get updates faster and you will get a different type of writer writing to you . Love y'all💋💜🌎👑 my kik is olaf_cc
Stay strong ~Cristy👑😍🌎💜😇

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