Jealousy pt 2

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I got this amazing idea! Thanks to Midori-Gurin-Chan! Thank you!

Ras: he sighs and walks up to you and sits down next to you "I'm sorry you had to see that.." He takes the blanket off you and kisses your cheek

(Y/N): you blush slightly and sit up, smiling at him "Its okay ras, I forgive you" you smile and hug him

~afters a couple of weeks, you and Ras were happy together, but there was someone who wasnt, that person didn't like you, that person wanted Ras to themself~

(Y/N): you wake up is ras room and smiles, getting up and walks downstairs, you think everyone is gone, but you see Sans, sitting on the couch, so you walk up to him and wave "hello Sans!"

Sans: he was sitting there, drinking, he then looks at you and waves back "Oh, hey.." He takes a other sip of his whiskey, he seemed kinda annoyed and mad

(Y/N): you notice that he mad and take a back step back "Is everything alright? You seemed kinda...annoyed"

Sans: he groans in annoyance "No, I'm fine! Just great!" He gets up and finishes his whiskey "I got to go anyway" he leaves, mumbling

(Y/N): you watch him leave and looks down "...okay" you sit down on the couch and lay there, until you heard a knock on the door "I wonder who that is.." You get up and answer the door "oh hello"

Mettaton: it was her and she smiles and waves "Hello there, are you the one dating Ras" she ask in her robotic voice

(Y/N): you nod slowly "Yes I am.. Why did do you need to know about it."

Mettaton: she smiles a creeply smile "He mine, you should back off, or I will hurt you" she giggles "Leave him alone or else, you little whore" she turns away and laughs, walking away

(Y/N): you just stare at her, eyes widened "..." You slowly close the door and lay back down on the couch, thinking about what to do
~after a couple of hours, Ras finally came back home and sees you upset~

There you go! This will be the last part for today! I may not make any more parts tomorrow! And thanks again Midori-Gurin-Chan for the idea! I really appreciate it!
~Nay Nay~

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