19: More Cute Shit!!1!

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After that night passed, Chris seemed to be absolutely fine. Since that Sunday, he hadn't had a single episode, and he was back to expressing barely any anger at all. Just the way he had been before.

Still, almost a full week after the whole situation went down, Ricky had no idea what exactly had made him snap like that out of blue. Sure, the way other people treated him like he was some kind inanimate being that deserved nothing but disapproval probably had something to do with it, but prior to that night, people like that never seemed to make him angry. He would always become more sad than anything else.

Ricky could only guess that something else had to have just clicked inside of him that night, he just didn't know what it was, and neither did Chris. He decided that he might go talk to Ryan-Ashley about it one of these days, to see if her cousin experienced anything like this when he brought a dead man back to life.

Of course, Ricky's parents had heard about what had happened; a lot of people had. After all, it ended up in one of the local newspapers. The only reason Chris didn't end up getting any sort of big punishment was because the smaller boy's parents told authorities that Chris was currently getting help for sorts of mental health issues, and they assured them that this kind of thing wouldn't be happening again. It wasn't a total lie exactly, but it surely wasn't the whole truth, either.

Luckily, Ricky's parents were generally understanding of Chris' little outburst and still allowed him to stay in the house with them, but they made sure they got the message across that Ricky needed to help the taller boy control his emotions juts a bit better. He tried to bring up again that what happened most likely wasn't even Chris' fault, but they shushed him before he could point it out.

He was just glad that Chris was still safe and sound. At this point, he didn't know what he would do if anything bad happened to the taller boy.


After about a week of Chris refusing to leave the house, for fear of what happened the last time he was out, Ricky decided it was about time he tried to get Chris outside. He decided that the best way to go about it was to bring him someplace where he knew nobody else would be.

"Hey, Chris," Ricky greeted, opening his bedroom door, seeing Chris sitting down on his bed, trying to read one of his books.

Chris sent Ricky a small smile upon seeing him, then turned his attention back to the book on his lap.

"Hey, so, I was wondering if, maybe you would want to, uh, go on another date with me?" Ricky asked. "Just me and you this time, though."

"I-I don't know," Chris mumbled. "After what ha-happened last t-time..."

"Come on, Chris, you can't let that one experience keep you inside this house forever," Ricky sighed, taking a seat on the bed next to the taller boy.

"I d-don't want t-to bl-blow up like that ag-gain," Chris replied with a pout.

"You won't," Ricky assured him, placing a hand on his back, slowly rubbing it to comfort him. "You've been completely fine this past week. What makes you think that just stepping outside will change that?"

"I d-don't know," Chris responded.

"Come on, just let me take you out," Ricky said. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise," he reassured him, taking Chris' hand in his own.

"Wh-Where are you g-gonna t-take me?" Chris inquired.

"It's a surprise," Ricky smirked. "But don't worry, I promise that you and I will be the only two people there."


Sure enough, after a bit of coaxing, Ricky was able to get Chris into the car, and take him to a special little spot in town.

Ricky had already planned out what he was doing for this little date before he even asked Chris to come out with him. Besides, even if Chris refused to leave the house, the picnic lunch his mother helped him put together would have gotten eaten. The picnic basket was tucked in the trunk of the car, along with a nice comfortable blanket, where Chris wouldn't be able to see them until they actually reached their destination.

Ricky wasn't lying when he said that he and Chris would be the only two people there. His car was now parked on the side of a road, a small path visible through the trees nearby. That was exactly where the two of them were headed.

The smaller boy popped open the trunk, grabbing the blanket and handing it to Chris. He then took the picnic basket in one hand, closing the trunk afterwards, and grabbing Chris' hand with the other, interlocking their fingers. They walked hand-in-hand down the path until the came to the end, reaching a small secluded pond area.

The only sound to be heard behind those trees was the light breeze blowing through the leaves. It was a peaceful little spot, and it had always been, as far as Ricky knew. The smaller boy carefully set down the picnic basket on the ground, taking the blanket from Chris, who had handed it to him. He did his best to set it down on the ground, then took a seat on it. Chris was quick to follow, sitting next to Ricky on the blanket, staying close to him.

"My grandmother used to bring me here all the time when I was little," Ricky exhaled, leaning his head into the taller boy's chest. "I always used to love it here."

"It's really p-pretty," Chris replied. "And qu-quiet."

"Just wait until the sun sets, it'll be even better," Ricky grinned.

The two of them began nibbling at the contents in their picnic basket, and soon enough, the sun was starting to set before their eyes.

Ricky leaned into Chris again, the taller boy putting his arm around him this time, pulling him even closer. The sky began to turn shades of pink and orange as the sun slowly made its way south, behind the trees. Chris lowered his head a bit, planting a quick kiss on the top of Ricky's head.

"See? I told you nothing bad would happen to you," Ricky smiled, looking up at him.

Chris smiled back, of course, before tilting Ricky's head toward his own, bringing him in for a kiss.

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