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There are six dragon types in this world, fire, water, earth, air, light and dark. The dragons are free and have no leaders, just representatives. There are also rebel dragons who can be any color. All dragons are born grey, when they are grey, they absorb a type and become this type. Fire dragons live in the desert and near the volcanoes. Water dragons live in bodies of water (who knew!). Earth dragons live in the forests and meadows. Air dragons live on plateaus and mountains. Light and dark dragons live on the battlefield, always fighting. Fire dragon colors are warm colors(red, orange, yellow etc.) and black. Water dragons are cool colors(blue, green, purple etc.). Earth dragons are brown, green, and sometimes black. Air dragons are light-blue, and white. Light dragons are lighter colors, and dark dragons are have darker color scales.
Types at war are as below.
Types at war are allowed to harm each other by Ancient Law.

And for the first time in 1000 years, a human was seen. Now, human campsites are found everywhere, and the humans classify themselves. From highest to lowest.
Dragon Hunters

And dragon riding is looked down upon by the royals.

Remember, this world also includes hydras, griffons, elementals(like golems and such), and Giants(not too big, okay.).

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