In due time

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Of course you miss him.

Of course you wish things were back to the way they were before.

Of course you feel as though your broken heart was ripped from your chest.

But you want to know the worst part?


And no amount of time or texts is going to change that. Maybe he was your Romeo.....but you are not his Juliet. He doesn't look up at the moon and think of you. He does not look up at the stars at wish that maybe someday, he will hold you in his arms.

No, that boy will most likely forget your name in the near future if he hasn't already.

I know it feels like you will never find your soulmate. And frankly, you may never find him.

But there are things far more beautiful...

The laughter of a child...

The color of the pink sky...

The sound of a baby's first cry...

While you may not find the one you were destined to be with, you will find someone who will love you with all of their heart. Someone who will love you at your worst. And especially at your best. The one who will bring you joy when you most need it.

Because who wouldn't love a girl who dances in her room when no one is watching?

Who wouldn't fall in love with a girl who never ceases to smile?

The one who weeps while watching a sad film. The one who kisses the book she has just finished. The one who clings to the hope that someone will love the men love their women in her books.

One day, not far from today, that odd girl, the one who never thought she was good enough, will walk down an aisle clothed in a white dress.

She will glance up through her veil, and see a young man dressed in a fancy suit, smiling at her as though it were only them in that place crowded with people.

And when she gets to the end of her aisle, she will have a flashback of the person she used to be. The hurt and broken person she was.......

And she will open her eyes......only to look into the ones she will see for the rest of her life.

The eyes are the window to the soul.

You will look into that window, and see the future that lies ahead.

The playful walks by the beach.

The drunken nights in the bubble bath.

The late night movie marathons.

The feel of each other's bodies while dancing.

And most importantly, the start of a family.

So before you swear off boys, or think you are going to be "forever alone", think about the person who is waiting at the end of the rainbow for you. Maybe you've met him. Maybe you haven't.

It doesn't matter. The one who made you cry does not matter. So pick yourself up. Dust off your clothes. Put some makeup on. Or don't. Go outside, read a book, jam out to some music. Eat your sorrows. Write a novel.

Everything will be okay.❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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