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Melissa found herself walking in a abandoned prison looking for someone. "Crona. Crona are you here?" Melissa asked very quietly. She got no answer so she continued walking around to find Crona. So far all she found was silence then there she was. Behind bars beaten and bruised. "Oh my god!" Melissa said. She ran up to her. "What did they do to you?" Melissa asked. "Run girl. Run!" Crona said. She didn't know that Mosquito wanted her in that prison. Mosquito came up behind her. "Melissa. You do not disappoint. I've been expecting you." Mosquito said. "Let her go! We're not part of your tournament!" Melissa said. "On the contrary, you are very much a fighter. You will face Mifune of the swordsman clan of assassins. Then wind came out of nowhere and there he was. He got in his fighting stance ready to fight. Melissa was forced if she wanted to get Crona out of the cell. "Now you will a swordsman death embrace!" Mifune said. Mifune charged and he was lighting fast but not fast for Melissa. Mifune was knocked out. "Done! We're leaving!" Melissa said. Maka teleport to the prison. "Stand in my way and I'll get your a–." Melissa said before she was interrupted. "A challenge?" Mosquito asked. Maka got a vision of Death the kid defeating Mosquito in a battle. "No! You will not be the one who challenges Mosquito!" Maka said. "You want some too? Fine by me!!" Melissa said. Maka didn't want to fight her but unless directly challenged she can not fight in the tournament. Maka fought her and won the first round but Melissa won the second. It finally came to the last round. Both bruised badly. Maka fought hard but she was faced the wrath of Melissa. She kicked her in the neck and slamming her head to the ground causing to knock her out. "Enough of this!" Melissa said. She walked towards Maka and grabbed her by the neck. "Shield your eyes!" Maka said. "What?" Melissa asked. "Shield your eyes." Maka said as she set a blinding light the enlighten the room. While Mosquito and his guards had their eyes closed, Melissa walked to Crona's caged and broke it. She grabbed Crona and they walked out of the prison. "Come on Crona. We're leaving!" Melissa said. Crona sighed in relief. "About time." Crona said. Mosquito's guards ran after them and Mosquito walked next to Maka. "You aided their escape!" Mosquito said. "You allowed them to escape." Maka said. "They will not get far!" Mosquito said. Mosquito walks after them. Meanwhile outside of the prison. Melissa and Crona are still walking. "Move it Crona! That's an order!" Melissa said. Crona giggles a bit. " you're in charge now?" Crona asked. "S.F this is Melissa. I have Crona with me. We are outside of the prison. Where is that chopper?" Melissa asked. Her inter-com doesn't have a strong signal but it is good enough to hear what the person on the other side was saying. "We......are on our......way!" A trooper said. Melissa put her inter com away when she heard footsteps from the exit of the prison. Two women walked towards Melissa and Crona. "By order of Mosquito! No one leaves this island!" Blair said. "I don't have time for this!" Melissa said. "Out of my way!" Melissa said. Blair was a princess of the witchrealm and Kim was her sister. Both serving Asura. The two fought well but was no match for Melissa's skill. She knocked them down after 2 rounds. "I sure don't need surprises like them." Melissa said. She walked back to Crona and sat right next to her. "You okay?" Melissa asked. Crona was beaten so badly that she could barely talk but she could still talk. "I'm fine." Crona said. "Liar. After I drop you off I'm coming back here. Argos is still here somewhere." Melissa said. "Your oppression with him is going to get you killed." Crona said trying to warn her. "I know. I trusted him!" Melissa said in anger. "Yeah...we all did." Crona said. A helicopter is heard in the distance. "I think our ride is here." Melissa said. She stood up waving at it to land when a ball of fire was shot and exploded the helicopter just before it could land. "NO! DAMN YOU!" Melissa shouted at Mosquito. "You have a challenger! Argos!" Mosquito said. Melissa was enraged by what they did and now it was between her and Argos. "Pretty boy ain't gonna save you this time!" Argos said. Argos immediately attacked Melissa with brutal force and showing no mercy. Melissa didn't want to lose so she fought back and slamming Argos's face into the ground. "You're coming with me!" Melissa said. As she walked up she was stopped by a wall of fire. "Argos is not your prisoner!" Mosquito said. "At least help Crona! She needs a medic!" Melissa said. Mosquito laughed and walked away. "Bastard!" Melissa muttered. It was quiet until she heard blackstar's voice. "There she is! Melissa! Are you alright? Hey looks like you found her. Sup sarge!" Blackstar said. "She is a—." Melissa said. She saw Maka walking towards Crona and got suspicious. "Hey! What are you doing?" Melissa asked. "Its cool." Blackstar said. "CRONA!" Melissa shouted. Blackstar grabbed her and tried to calm her down. "Seriously. Its cool." Blackstar said. Maka healed Crona with in seconds. "That's amazing!" Crona said. "Told ya! Turns out that she's a goddess!" Blackstar said. "T-thank you Maka." Melissa said. "Gratitude is unnecessary. I have seen visions from the future. I believe they are a guide to stopping Asura from destroying this world." Maka said. "What have you foreseen?" Death the kid asked. "Asura is invincible. He destroys all life! We will all die." Maka said. "I'm not worried. I bet you can win this thing no problem!" Blackstar said. "Unless directly challenged, I can not participate." Maka said. "Alright then. We're with you Maka." Melissa said. An alliance was forming to save the world from total destruction.

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