So Cold

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When you told me you'd leave, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My aching body fell to the floor.

Then I called you at home. You said that you weren't alone

I should've known better, now it hurts much more.

You caused my heart to bleed and you still owe me a reason.

'Cause I can't figure out why...why I'm alone and freezing while you're in the bed that she's in.

And I'm just left alone to cry .

You can't hear me cry. You see my dreams all die from where you're standing on your own.

It's so quiet here and I feel so cold.

This house is no longer feels like home. 


I am alone in this coffee shop this moment, Saturday morning. I'm sitting next to the glass wherein I can see the outside of the coffee shop- the streets, people who are walking by, cars that passing by, the cloudy weather, the blue sky, and the building in front of this coffee shop which is my apartment.

I'm alone here, drinking my coffee with my earphones in and volumes up, having some sentimental moment while looking through out this glass.

My mom and dad is on Paris. Their having their great vacation there while me, I'm just alone here in London, enjoying my first time to live alone without my parents with me. I just wanted to feel and experience how does it feels like to be alone that's why I refuse to come with them.

It's 7:35 in the morning here. I'm refreshing my mind. I can't stop looking outside wherein I can see the people happy and laughing at each other especially to the couples who are walking by with their fingers entwined at each other.

I sigh when I saw them.

'Oh God, I remember those days and moments..' I said to myself.

My eyes are full of realization and so much pain that I had experienced with him.

And by that moment, I start reminscing our past.


It was April that time, Sunday morning.. 7 years ago.

I went to the church by 9:30 AM so that I won't be late on the mass by 10:00 AM.

I was a member of choir. We're all five girls and four boys.

So by the time I arrived there, everything is settled. All of the members of the choir are in there, getting ready for the practice.

But, unfortunately, we all stopped because of him..

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