Info & Warnings

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WARNING: This book is going to be all original. So if you see anything similar to something you might've read, that is NOT my fault. I did NOT do that on purpose if there is a similarity, but I do ask that you notify me about it if there is.

Also, this book WILL have inappropriate language, so if you are against that, then this is NOT the book for you. This book will also be based off of humor, teen love (not like...sexual/physical contact), and bad actions. So if you are not looking for that type of book then this is NOT the book for you. Oh, and if you are highly against people doing bad things, which I know is a weird thing to say and probably no one is, then this is NOT the book for you.

Lastly, this is Teen Fiction. Keyword: Fiction, so a lot of what happens in this may not happen in real life. Which means the schools may not even be real or the streets. And im pretty sure the people aren't either.

Info. you may want to know:

Feel free to comment anything you want. I do ask you do NOT say anything cruel or rude. Unless you're telling me my book is terrible in a very rude way. Which I still ask you do NOT do, but its your choice, so I really don't care. Also, do NOT comment in a rude way to anyone else's comments. That is just really wrong. I ask if you do, then do it in a NICE way.

All I really care about telling you is to *ENJOY* the story and hope you like the book. ~RoyalGeek7 #coolbeans

Story Quote:

"Good Girls Are Made Of Sugar And Spice...
But I'm A Bad Ass Bitch Made Of Whipped Cream And Ice!!


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