Chapter 2

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Heyya, hope you liked my last chapter, Im not that good with writing stories but my english teacher said I should... so here I go... :) Please comment on what my chapters Are like and comment if want a personalized character and I might put it in. :) Anyways on with chapter 2!


Chapter 2. Chelsea POV

"Hey, Chelsea? It's time to wake up because we are nearly at camp

now." A voice said.

"Whaaa? Nearly where? Where am I?" I mumbled.

"At camp silly, You slept pretty soundly after that Grace girl came over."

"Oh did I?"

"Yehh, now come on, everyone else is nearly off the coach, We wont know what cabins we will be in if you dont hurry up!"

I looked over and saw who was speaking. It was the girl that I noticed in the reflection before I fell asleep. She was very tall- Taller than me with long curly black hair and a elfish face. When I noticed her she was doodling something in her notebook and was lost in a world of her own.

"Hey! You two! Get a move on and stop your silly chattering! You should've been outside 10 minutes ago! This isn't a very good start to the summer, whats your names?" A stern loud voice shouted from the doorway of the coach.

"Melissa Green and Chelsea Bramsley sir, we are ready now, sorry to keep you waiting." The girl who I now know is called Melissa Green said without hesitation.

"I let you off, Now get off this bus before I kick you off!" He shouted.

I waited until he marched off the bus and burst out laughing. Melissa joined in. When we finished I said

" How did you know my name?"

" You introduced yourself to grace did you not? And anyway be better get off so come on." She replied.

We walked off the bus and ran to catch the others. On the way I bumped into a boy my age. He glanced at me and then crouched down to tie his shoelaces.

"Sorry about that...I wasn't watching were I was going." He said as he stood up and looked at me again.

"No,no, I wasnt concentrating properly, sorry to bother you!" I gabbled quickly trying not to look in his gorgous blue eyes but failing.

"no probs,see ya around okaii? " He said.

"Yehh yeh, sure" I smiled.

Before He said Anouther word I was grabbed by the wrist and dragged to a platform.

"Whats you name?" A women said to me.

"Umm, Chelsea Bramsley miss."

"hmm, new york. Cabin D5 Just around the corner, Fourth cabin down." She said pointing her finger to some shacks.

"Please dont them be cabins, please, please!" I thought to myself. Staring at the supposed cabins.

I walked down counting the cabins in turn. 1, 2, 3, 4... I looked up and saw a huge pink glittery banner saying "WELCOME CABIN D5!" with lots of names under the lettering.

I climbed up the steps taking a deep breath and opened the wooden door. To my suprised it flung open revealing a tall blonde girl older than me grinning at me.

"Hey! You must be Chelsea bramsley right? Im your counsellor. Welcome to cabin D5 and most importantly welcome to Camp Green lake!" She said.

"Umm, thanks..." I mumbled.

" Thats s'kay! You might want to start unpacking your clothes and things because we have dinner soon." She said.

I threw myself to the nearest bed and started thinking what was my mum was doing right now? What would they do without me? What would Camp green lake be like? Will I make some friends? I sighed and stood up taking my clothes out of my suitcase and placing it in a chest beside my bed. I sighed again and thought to myself, this is going to be a loooonnnngg day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2011 ⏰

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