Fair with him

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Y/n = your name

Y/n pov
I was just sitting at home watching greys anatomy and I got a text from Brandon aka my boyfriend.

Brando😘😍❤️: hey babe❤️ wanna go to the fair tonight?

Y/n: ❤️ sure

Brando😘😍❤️: ok I will pick u up at 9 I love u 😘

Yn: ok see you at 9 I love u to 😘

It was already 7:00pm so u decided I was just gonna take my hair out of the messy bun that I had in my hair and I decided to curl it. When I was done curling my hair it was already 8 bc I curl my hair really slow just so I don't burn myself😂. Then I picked out my outfit it was a pink romper with black flip flops. And by then it was 8:30 so I just watched greys anatomy until Brandon got here.

I look at the time and it was 8:55 which means Brandon should be here any second. Then the doorbell distracted me from my thoughts it was Brandon. I walk up to the door and open it Brandon looked so CUTEEEE.

"Hey y/n you look beautiful tonight" Brandon said. Making me blush.

"you don't look bad yourself Brando"
I said. Making him blush.

With that we walked to his moms car and his mom drove us to the fair. It was like 20min away and I got kinda sleepy so I rested my head on Brandon's chest and and before I almost was asleep I heard Brandon say "I love u" and with that I was out like a light. I woke up to someone shaking me and saying "wake up love we are here" I knew it was Brandon so I opened my eyes and we got out of his moms car. I told her thank you an she drove off.

Brandon- what should we do first?

You- how about the starship

Brandon- ok whatever u want my love
(If u don't know what the starship is its a ride that goes really fast around and it doesn't even feel like your rotating and u stick to the wall Bc of the force ok back to the book 😂)

Brandon's pov

I really wanted to take y/n on the ferris wheel Bc at the top I was planning on kissing her and making it the best kiss ever. But she wanted to go on he starship which I was totally ok with. Bc that's like my fav ride here.

So when we where done with the starship I ask here " do u wanna I on the Farris wheel?" "Sure" she said.

And she grabbed my hand and she brought me to the Farris wheel. We waited in line until we got to go in that little cart thingy. and it went around once and then we stopped at he top. We both look down and she says "wow this view is so pretty" and me being a dumb person I grabbed her face and kissed her. She was a little startled at first but then she realized what happened and kissed back. So the kiss lasted for like 10 sec Bc we started moving again and we both pulled away. " I LOVE U SM BRANDON ROWLAND" she said to me and I blushed "I LOVE U TO Y/F/N ( your full name)" and with that we had a long hug.

Skip to after the fair Bc I'm lazy

Y/n pov

The fair was over and it was already 12 o'clock and Brandon won me a big teddy bear that we both named Sam Bc we already planned that if we ever have a kid that if it was a boy or a girl we would name him/her Sam 😂😂. So his mom pulled up and said " did u guys have a good time?" Me and Brandon look at each other and blush and say "yeah it was fun"

I hope u guys like this imagine thing Bc I decided I would do imagines instead of a story Bc I didn't really feel like writing a story anymore I just wanted to stick to imagines

Brandon Rowland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now