Chiba X Tsundere! Hayami

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Requested by: MelanieHamy

Third person's POV

Once in a land full of magical ponies and unicorn, live a princess called Hayami and a prince called Chiba.

Okay maybe not a land full if ponies and unicorn it's just a place called school with two student called Hayami and Chiba.
(Okay I'm just joking about the opening XD)

At school (lunch)

"Ohayo Hayami-san." Hayami looked up from her book to see Chiba smiling at her.

"O-o-ohayo C-chiba-kun." Hayami stuttered as she speaks.

"Why are you stuttering Hayami? I never seen you so nervous before." Chiba asked.

"I-i-i am not stuttering! Uh Y-you are the one who is stuttering! BAKA!" Hayami said quickly and ran out of the classroom.

Chiba just stood there dumbfounded.

He walked towards Karma and Nakamura.

"Eh guys...may I ask why is Hayami treating me so weirdly today?" Chiba awkwardly asked.

"How weird is Hayami acting like?" Nakamura questioned.

"She stuttered when she talked to me. When i asked her why was she stuttering she said I was the one stuttering and called me a...baka..."

Karma and Nakamura started laughing out loud. Chiba just stared at them.

"Hey Nakamura, we finally found out who is the Tsundere's crush~" Karma smirked.

"Yes. Yes we do." Nakamura smirked as well.

"What are you guys talking about?" Chiba said.

"You don't know that Hayami is a tsundere?" Karma said.

"What's a tsundere?" Karma and Nakamura face plamed.

"Tsundere is a personality. They will be cold towards you but when they found the person they like, they will be very warm to that certain person. But they will stutter too. And calls the person they like baka." Nakamura said. (Is my explanation even correct....idk...;---;)

"Oh...Wait, so you're saying that Hayami likes me?" Chiba asked.

"Oh yes. Yes she does~" Karma and Nakamura smirked.

"Okay...I'm gonna go now...."Chiba nervously said.

"Oh are you going to find Hayami to confess~" Karma smirked again.

God he is always smirking.

"Ehhhh...bye." Chiba said and dashed out of the classroom.

"Let's go stalk them." Nakamura said with devil horns while Karma nodded his head smirking. (OMG Karma stop smirking XD)

Chiba went towards the shooting area where he probably know Hayami would be shooting the targets there.

"Hayami!" Chiba shouted when he spotted her.

"W-what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be eating your lunch in class now?" Hayami said blushing.

"Eh yea...but I came to see you." Chiba scratches his head.

"S-s-see me?" Hayami stuttered.






"Chiba...can I ask you a question."


"Why do you cover your eyes with your hair?"

Chiba sighed.

"Uh it's don't need to tell me." Hayami said while staring at her shoes.

"I suppose I can tell you."

Hayami looked up.

"Well....My mom died while giving birth to me. My father hated me because of that. He said my eyes will remind him of my mom because my eyes resembles my mom's eye so I decided to grow my hair to cover my eyes. Well at least my father stoped drinking alcohol after my eyes had been covered by my hair." Chiba said softly.

Hayami stood there not knowing what to do.

Should I comfort him? Hayami thought.

Without thinking, Hayami hugged Chiba making him froze.

After realising what Hayami was doing. He hugged her back.

"Thanks. I really appreciate this hug." Chiba smiled before continuing " you like me?"

"W-w-what N-no! Yes. NO hugging you does not mean I l-l-like you. BAKA." Hayami huffed and buried her head onto Chiba's chest.

Chiba started laughing due to Haymi cuteness then pecked her on the lips making Hayami's face go red.

"I love you Hayami."

"I-i l-love Y-you too."

~Extended ending~

"I knew it. They were meant for each other." Nakamura laughed.

"We can finally blackmail them~" Karma smirked while holding up his phone with the picture of Chiba amd Hayami hugging.

Suddenly, Karma's phone was snatched away.

"Or not~" Chiba smirked and deleted the photo after sending it to his own phone.

"Wow Chiba. This is the first time seeing u smirk." Nakamura said.

"Yes and Hayami is mine so no one touches her." Chiba said and walked away.

"Since when he turned into a Yandere?"

Sorry for the late update :"D I was having exams and more exams are coming up so...there might be more slow updates...

I'm sowwie ;---;


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