A Portal Opens Up in Camp Half-Blood

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When a swirling blue portal opens up in the middle of Camp Half-Blood, nobody was surprise (except for a few new campers who have never met the IGIRLS before). Pretty much most of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter knows the IGIRLS now.

A year ago after the war ended, a similar portal opens up and a young girl in her early twenties steps out. She introduced herself as Hester and told everyone that she's a fairy and a member of an organization called "The IGIRLS" who has been assigned to be their Guardian Helper that is supposed to help and protect the demigods. Everybody was skeptic at first, but after Hester helps and saves a few demigods on some quests, become what she like to call a 'Bonded Helper' with one of Camp Jupiter's Praetors Reyna, and casted a spell on both camps that prefended almost any kind of threat towards both camps, everyone is starting to be a little more open up to the whole Guardian Helper thing.

Then a couple of months later, the portal opens up again and four girls steps out. One of them introduces herself as Dina—who happens to be Hester's boss—and started to introduce the other three girls: Aina, Emerald and Vile. What happens next is that the three of them went on a quest with Percy, Jason, and Nico that involves a witch named Sarah and an evil goddess (long story). After the quest, Dina announced that from now on Aina, Emerald and Vile are Bonded Helpers with Percy, Jason, and Nico.

Then three months after that, more girls show up from the portal, and they all claims that they are now Bonded Helpers with the rest of the Seven Demigods of the Prophecy.

So yeah, they're all used to the whole 'A portal opening up in the middle of Camp and random girls stepping out' thing already.

This time, three girls steps out of the portal again.

One of them has dark skin and even darker hair that makes her look like a Gorgon. She wore a leather jacket on top of a dark red tank top, tattered jeans and black leather boots. She looks like the type of girl that would join a street gang.

Another girl looks to be of Latin descend, with tan skin, freckles around her nose, and light brown hair tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon. She's wearing a purple western plaid shirt, jeans and blue sneakers.

Finally, the last girl, is actually one of the Bonded Helpers from a few months ago. Her name's Layla, she has pale blonde hair that curls up down her shoulders and sky blue eyes. Her outfit consists of a white skirt, pink blouse, and heels that makes her tower over the other two girls. But even so, compared to an average human girl—because everytime these girls show up they always claims to be some type of 'fairy' or something—the other two girls are still incredibly taller (also, practically everybody has learn now that a lot of the IGIRLS are much taller than an average human girl).

Layla walks over to a random demigod and asks her if she knows where Annabeth and Percy could be. The girl has to stretch her neck to look up at Layla and answer the question. Layla thanks her and went back to the other two girls.

"She says that she thinks she saw Annabeth heading in the direction of the beach, she don't know about Percy."

"Didn't the file say something about the both of them being best friends?" The Latina pointed out. "So maybe Percy there too."

"You don't need to be the Fairy of Familial and Platonic Love to come up with that idea." The dark skinned girl rolled her eyes. "Which way is the beach again Layla?"


When Percy and Annabeth met them, they're not surprised when they claims to be members of the IGIRLS—because they've meet a lot of them recently—but they still don't know what are their intentions and if it might involved them in a way.

"Who are you girls?" Annabeth asked them.

"I'm Frankie, the Fairy of Familial and Platonic Love, and the girl who is dressed like a biker is Kelly, the Witch of Sex," she pointed at the dark skinned who raised her eyebrow at the biker description, "and i'm sure you already know Layla, the Fairy of Love and Emotions." She motions towards the blonde next to her. "And we're here to help you."


Layla walks up towards the two demigods and puts her hand on Annabeth shoulder. "We know about the crush that you both have."

"What?!" Percy and Annabeth both simultaniously exclaimed.

"Wait, how did you even know about this?"

"Let's just say our boss knows about it and sends us here to help you two get together with your crushes." Kelly explained to them.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Percy tells them. "Aina already tried to 'help'."

Aina and Annie—their Bonded Helpers—already tried to help them with their crushes and it didn't end well, this probably won't be any different.

"She did?"

"Annie already tried too." Annabeth added.

"Maybe if you let us it will actually end well this time." Frankie asked hopefully and puts on a begging puppy look. "Please?"

Frankie's puppy eyes aren't actually that bad, but she also kind of gives off a vibe that makes both Percy and Annabeth wants to hug eachother and allow Frankie, Layla, and Kelly to help. Maybe she has the ability to charmspeak just like Piper.

Percy and Annabeth sigh. "Fine."

"Yay!" Layla exclaimed excitedly like a little kid. "Oh yeah, Jason won't visit until tomorrow right?" She asked them both.

"Well, yeah." Percy answered.

"Then come on!" Layla grabs Annabeth hand and drags her away. "Let's get you and Piper together first!"

"Layla, camp is that way." Annabeth pointed in the opposite direction.

"Oh right, sorry." Layla apologizes, before turning around and starts dragging Annabeth in the right direction. Leaving Percy with Kelly and Frankie.

"Why aren't you two following her?" Percy turn towards Kelly and Frankie.

"Actually, on our way here we come up with a plan." Kelly "While Layla's busy with Annabeth and Piper, we are going to help you get Jason."

"But he won't be here until tomorrow."

"So?" Kelly shrugs. "we can think of a plan while we wait."


Fun fact: i actually regreted making Layla a blonde.

Next chapter we will see Layla getting pipabeth together, and Kelly and Frankie coming up a plan to get jercy together. Also if you have any ideas for this fic tell me in the comments.

Oh yeah, about the whole Hester, Aina, Emerald, Vile and Bonded Helper story, i might write something about that someday to explain. This series and this universe is actually a part of something really big.

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