chapter cinco

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TaeTae95: Its 3am and I'm not sure why I'm awake

TaeTae95: Okay maybe I do know but I wish you were awake

TaeTae95: Do you have notifications for when I'm online like I do for you?

TaeTae95: Oh well. I guess I'll try to go back to sleep. Or maybe I could bother Jimin hyung until he lets me cuddle with him

TaeTae95: Goodnight, Kookie


Jxngkxxk is now online!

Jxngkxxk: don't cuddle with him he doesn't deserve ur cuddles

TaeTae95: Kookie!

TaeTae95: What do you mean he doesn't deserve my cuddles? We cuddle all the time

Jxngkxxk: he just doesn't ok

TaeTae95: Okay...

Jxngkxxk: why were u up at 3am?

TaeTae95: Oh, nothing really. Just a weird dream is all. No need to worry Kookie :D

Jxngkxxk: wanna talk about it?

TaeTae95: Not really..

Jxngkxxk: alright then. hey, don't u have work?

TaeTae95: No, Jimin hyung gave me the day off. He said I was crying in my sleep but I don't remember doing that

Jxngkxxk: oh ok

Jxngkxxk: I'm sorry

TaeTae95: For what?

Jxngkxxk: I don't know. I felt like that was appropriate to say

TaeTae95: Oh. Well you don't have to be sorry. There's nothing to be sorry about

TaeTae95: Don't you have a job??? I don't remember you telling me you had one???

Jxngkxxk: eh, it's not much of a job but it's something. I make beats and melodies for Yoongi's productions so he can sell them

Jxngkxxk: I make a little money off it

TaeTae95: That sounds so cool! You should make a song for me

Jxngkxxk: why on earth would I do that

TaeTae95: Because you love me!

Jxngkxxk: that's very debatable

TaeTae95: Please Kookie?? Pleassssssseeeeeeeeee!!!?

Jxngkxxk: no

Jxngkxxk: the beats aren't even that good

TaeTae95: Then make them better! That should be simple, right?

Jxngkxxk: not really

TaeTae95: Well then make me a beat with stuff you already know

Jxngkxxk: no Taehyung

TaeTae95: You're making me very sad, Kookie. I just want a little ol' beat, that's it :(((

Jxngkxxk: fine whatever. gosh you're so annoying


Jxngkxxk: bestest isn't a word but ur welcome I guess

TaeTae95: When will it be done? I want to listen to it now

Jxngkxxk: wtf I haven't even started

Jxngkxxk: it'll be done when it's done, just be online when it is

TaeTae95: I definitely will be

Jxngkxxk: gotta go help Yoongi, ttyl?

TaeTae95: Of course! Byeeeee!

Jxngkxxk: bye angel

Jungkook has signed off!

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