Chapter 16

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I sat down beside Lucas wondering what to say to him. After a minute of unsettiling silence Lucas turned to me with a worried look on his face. " What is it Lucas?" I asked " While I was looking for you, did you... you know" His voice was wobbily and he looked kind of embarrased. " Did you lose..." I finally realised what he was talking about and blushed. " No! No I didn't but I would have if you you didn't give me that dream." " Good because if you did you would have..." I held his hand gently, "So whats going on why do they want to take my life source or whatever they call it?" I questioned

" We should discuss this soon enough but you need to get some rest, we've got school tomorrow." h suggested "We?" " Yep I'm the new exchange student." I smiled at least I don't have to see Chase or Shelby. "I better go." he said finally I stood up quickly "No Lucas please stay, I don't want to be alone again, please!" " Do you have a spare bedroom?" I sighed and shook my head " Really how much was this house and it doesn't even have another bedroom 😒"he exclaimed "I'll sleep on the couch ok." I nodded in approval and went  up to bed. He stopped me and kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight my sweet." I had goosebump all over and just managed to walk up the stairs to my bedroom.

I sat up from my bed, my nose was triggered by a beautiful smell. I looked at my clock 7:00a.m.  That left me 1 hour 30mins left to dress up and have some breakfast. I looked at the mirror. I decided to wear jeans, a blouse and some shoes. I wonder if Lucas is still asleep. I ran down the stair, when I saw a delisious breakfast on the table. Eggs bacon toast and orange juice. " Good Morning Kira I hope you slept well." said Lucas "You know how to cook!?" I asked He chuckled and nodded in reply. Before I knew it I was stuffing my face with food. However it was quite uncomfortable because Lucas was watching me eat. " Arn't you going to eat?" He smiled at me " I don't eat food." I almost chocked at the response " Wait a minute, you don't eat but every human has..." My voice trailed on into the distance when it hit me like a ton of bricks. "You're not human are you." " No I'm not but you can't say anything because you're not human either!" I chocked The sausage was stuck in my throat.. I coughed and finally it went down " What are you trying to kill me here and of course I'm human !" He looked at the time 7:50a.m , " Hurry up it's a ten minute drive to school and I need to sign in." He sighed  I quickly stuffed the food inside my mouth and packed my bag.

After an uncomfortable ride in his car we departed and I went to class. I was really nervous because Chase would be sitting beside me. I looked at him nervously as I sat down, " Hello my Treasure chest." He chuckled I glared at him and decided to ignore him. Our teacher suddenly shushed us but I didn't hear what she said because Chase whispered in my ear, " How about we go to that place after school?" I looked at him in digust and rolled my eyes. " I would like to intoduce our new exchange student Lucas...., are you sure hon ok, Lucas!" she said I wonder why he didn't want to say his surename. Once his name was introduced Chase looked up instantly and his eyes turned stormy grey. He looked towards Lucas and they both had a kind of  staring contest, I could seee electicity between their eyes. Lucas sat down next to me on the left leaving Chase which was on my right.

As soon as class ended Lucas dragged me to his locker. I looked at the time," We'll talk about it later I want some lunch they're serving my favourite Burgers and fries and for dessert.... cookie dough." As I sat down with Lucas Alex and Claire sat with us, I was kind of surprised  because they were Shelbys friend. " Hey mind if we sit with you Shelbys acting really strange she told us to stay away from you. " exclaimed Claire I gasped " So, Lucas hows camp going, has Heather kicked your butt yet." said Alex He raised his eyebrow,"She hasn't yet but shes coming pretty close, do you think I should take *her*." I was quite confused at the moment " Wait, you guys know each other!"  Theyall nodded " Kira we know what's going on we were just undercover until Lucas came which took forever!" replied Claire  We continued to talk when Shelby walked to our table, " Kira can I talk to you for a moment, outside."  Lucas looked at her with pure disgust but she didn't seem to notice, she was waiting for an answer.

I sighed and got up, " Fine, lets go." Lucas stood up and I felt as if he was going to cause a scence. I touched his arm and he sat back down slowly. As I walked out the door I could feel someone both sides of me. I looked back at the table I sat and found Claire and Alex were gone. Could they turn Invisible? Lucas nodded at me and I could tell I was safe with both of them by my side. " So Shelby what do you want to talk about?" I tried to look at her face but she wouldn't let me. " I think this is far enough Shelby." She continued going so I followed her until she was deep in the woods. She turned around and suddenly grabbed my neck. She pulled me up into the air and thurst me into an oak tree. I cried in pain. I could see that she was fighting Claire and Alex but I could unfortunately see them losing. I picked myself up and tried to run but I was too slow and Shelby pinned me down to th ground.

What am I going to do?

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