Chapter Five

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 "Morning," I said kissing daddy's cheek grabbing an apple. "How was your date last night?"

 "It was wonderful," Mama said smiling. "Thank you for the reservation sweetie."

 "Your welcome," I smiled grabbing my phone when it dinged. "Quinn's restaurants always have the best food and entertainment. I love going to his place in LA after a long practice."

 "Willow, have you been to see Blake since you've been back?" Mama asked and I froze.

 "No," I sighed. "I've been really busy help David, working at the studio and giving private lessons, I hadn't even thought about him."

 "Don't you think you should? You two were inseparable before you left."

 "I'll think about it," I said kissing their cheeks. "But I have to go pick up Derek from the airport and get ready for my comp tonight. We'll probably stay at a hotel, talk to you guys tomorrow. Love you."

 "Good luck," daddy yelled. "Mina leave her alone. She'll go see him when she's ready."


 "Hey B," Derek yelled picking me up spinning. "God I've missed you."

 "I missed you too, D-man." I laughed grabbing his duffle bag leaving him with the other three, "How are things back in LA?"

 "Boring," he groaned. "The apartment is so quiet its creepy. I also miss your cooking."

 "I'm sorry," I giggled.  "I'll fix you something tomorrow when we get back to my parents. But tonight..."

 "We show what we do best," he yelled laughing. "So have you seen him yet?"

 "The hell," I muttered. "My mom asked me that this morning."

 "I was just wondering," Derek said.

 "Sorry," I sighed. "No, I haven't seen him. You know how hurt I was when I got that text from him. I don't even know if I can go see him. I know where he lives, I'm giving his niece private dance lessons but as far as going to talk to him."

 "I get it," Derek said smiling softly. "Just so you know if he does hurt you, the whole gang will kick his a*s for you. All you have to do is say when."

 "Thanks," I sighed. "So what do you want to do for the first part of the comp?"

"I don't know. You normally pick that."

 "Right," I mumbled. "I'll figure that out later. How's Cain? I know he'd been hurt on the last job he was on."

 "He's okay," Derek shrugged. "Complaining that the girls are babying him to much. Diego had to bring him a notch the other day. He snapped at Layla."

 "Damn," I whistled. "I get not wanting to be babied but Layla's eight months pregnant. You don't snap at a pregnant woman."

 "She slapped him before waddling away crying," Derek chuckled. "It was funny watching Cain apologize to her. He stop at the next Dairy Queen I'm starving."

 "Your always starving," I laughed.

 "Don't judge me woman," he huffed.

 "Whatever," I sassed before laughing.


 "Now preforming House Of Cards is Willow and Derek from SALA'S DANCE," the announcer said as we got in our spots.

 "That was amazing guys," Janet yelled running up to us. "I can't believe that that turned out so good. Especially since you haven't practiced that one in years."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence boss," Derek chuckled hugging her. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to find my true love."

 "Janet why don't you go with him," Diego said hugging him wife from behind. "I need to speak with Willow I'll come find you when I'm done."

 "Fine," Janet huffed pecking his cheek. "Don't be long, Derek is so weird after these comps."

 "What's up?" I smiled at him, "Is everything alright?"

 "Their back."

 "WHAT?!" I yelled staring at him wide eyed, "You said they were gone for good." 

 "I thought they were gone," Diego sighed. "And I've had some of our supplies go missing and the Wolves MC is having the same problem. You need to watch your back unless you want me to send one of the guys to watch you."

 "No," I groaned. "My parents don't know what happened to me after I moved to LA. No one here knows and I don't want them knowing."

 "Okay," he sighed hugging me. "Just promise me that you'll stay safe. I don't want to lose you like I lost Cammie. I can't go through that again."

 "I will," I whispered. "I really need to be heading back home. I'll call you tomorrow."

 "You better," he grumbled walking me to my car. "Or I will hunt you down and lock you in my basement, so you can never leave."

 "Love you big brother," I whispered hugging him tightly.

 "Same here lil sis," he whispered."


 "I can't believe this finally happening," Janet squealed.

 "I'm happy for you guys," I laughed holding the phone away from my ear. "Yoy guys have been trying for a baby for the last five years so congrats."

 "Thanks," she laughed. "I just wish you were here. I miss my sister."

 "I know," I whined. "I'm planning on visiting in a couple weeks."

 "You better, because if you don't I will murder you." Janet said sternly.

 "I promise," I giggled looking behind me when I heard footsteps. "I'll call you later, I've got classes to plan for next week."

 "Bye sis," Janet yelled hanging up.

 Looking behind me I quickly made my way to my car, jumping when I heard footsteps. "There's no one there," I scolded myself. "Stop being so jumpy."

 "Gotcha," someone said grabbing my from behind. "I've got you now princess."

 "NO!" I yelled elbowing him in the side. "Get off me."

 "STOP RUNNING FROM ME," he yelled at me shoving me to the ground. "You are mine. They can't have you."

 I yelped when he slapped me, "No." I groaned weakly kicking my feet out hearing him groan I pulled myself up running down a alleyway.

 "Princess," he called. "Get back hear. NOW!"

 "No," I cried I looked around me recognizing the neighborhood I quickly ran to the most familiar house and started banging on the door. "HELP! PLEASE! SOMEBODY!"

"What?" the person growled jerking the door open.

 "Help," I cried weakly falling to the ground.

 "Son of b*tch," he said and everything went black.

Biker's Willow {Wolves MC 1}Where stories live. Discover now