Days go by, none of them any better from the last. Some say 'teenage years are the hardest' there was no doubt about that. Names; Billy' people call me patches. I live on a farm in Alabama, i had 2 brothers and 2 sisters but i was the oldest one and we lived as a family on this farm. My daddy was a farmer, thats how we got our meals everyday. My brothers, sisters and I were still in school. My papa wanted us to have a good education and do something good with our lives; my papa did not have a good education, he could not afford to got to school- so he had to learn to survive on his own. My papa learnt all that he knows by himself- best farmer i ever known. Even though my papa was the best farmer in the whole of Alabama; it still never make ends meet. My papa was the only person who worked in our home, papas farming only put food on the table. I wore the same clothes year by year and when it tore, i sewed on patches to cover it; which is the reason i was called patches. I did not mind been called that but i knew my papa was hurt about it 'coz he done all he could.