An Untold Love Story

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  (this story is based on my life)this story starts out with a girl named Krista. She goes to a school name Encore and has just switched busses, there is a girl on the new bus that doesnt like her for no particular reason. She meets a girl named Sophie on the new bus. She also finds a guy she likes, and soon becomes obsessed with him. This story starts out with her first day on her new bus, so with that let's begin.

  December 17th 2012

today was the first day on the bus. But I will start with the begining of my day, on the bus in the morning the bus driver was very nice she said her name was Miss Ileen. All of the seats were taken except a seat next to this girl named Sophie. she was very pretty but she wore a lot of makeup. We talked a lot on the way to school and she also told me that this would be her last day, riding the bus in the morning she introduced me to a girl named Marin. She was a bulky white girl who acted very ghetto. So I hung out with her all day. so my day went by normally and then I got back on the bus, again miss Ileen said hi and I sat next to Sophie and the seat across the isle was Marin so I was with my only two bus friends so it was good. Then randomly this girl named Delia came up to me, with out me saying about or to her ever, said "I dont like you, Bitch" I didn't get a chance to say any thing back to her because Marin yelled at her and told her to leave me alone.

December 18th

just two days until were off, winter break is almost here!!!! I saw a couple really cute guys today and I met a girl named diamond, she was suuper nice and we have a lot in common. Diamond told me that the ones guys name is Aiden, he always wore a beanie(so hot) anyway she said the other ones name was Bryan but I don't like him very much, he's dating Delia. So I'm not going anywhere with him :(. But Aiden I'm not so sure about. Maybe something will happen.

December 19th

It's almost here tomorrow will be the last day until winter break. Sweaters, hot chocolate and sitting by the fire here I come!!

December 20th

its the last day. It was so fun. I tried getting familiar with aiden I took his beanie but he got it back right away but when he got it back he smiled, I think it worked

January 3rd 2013

I haven't written in a while because I have been busy. to make a long story short I got mainly clothes and money for Christmas, I got a completely surprising birthday party and turned 12. and new years wasnt that fun I went out to neon bowling with my mom and her friends. so I was there with my phone and my food until.... 2013!! fun right!?!?!

January 7th

Tommorow I have to go back to school I'm kinda lookin forward to it so I can se all my friends and <3 aiden<3.....ill write tommorow.

August 12th

  So I lost my journal so I haven't written in a loooong time. good thing I cleaned my room. so to sum up evrything that's happened since I've last written, I kept taking aidens hat because I thought it worked so well, it didn't he ended up dating this girl on my bus named Nayeli, who I became really good friends with. And he diesnt like me I have now confirmed and at th end of the year Delia talked too much crap about the wrong person and she got beat up. Do she switched schools. I was really mad at my self for being so annoying towotds aiden I decided to switch schools. summer break was very boring I don't do alot, I lost all of my friends because I left encore. I started up cheer again and so from Layin around all day over summer I decided I needed to loose all that weight. my mom met an old freind at winco (the local grocery store) and her namebis Joni. Joni has a daughter named Mercie she is a year older than me but is in 8th grade too. Were going to the same school  this year. The new school is a uniform school and I'm not too sure if I like that but whatever.

September 3rd

a lot has happened since I last wrote. so I apologized to aiden for being so annoying last year and I hate uniforms after only 3 weeks of going to that new school I hated it, they give you so much homework and I can't do all of it and do cheer at the same time. I might have to quit :'(. so I have been begging my mom to let me go back to encore so we went today and talked to Mr. Castro the dean of students. He was so cool he let me come back so um comin back on Thursday (the 5th) so Ill get to see Aiden, Diamond, Sophie, Marin And the best part. I won't see Delia.

September 5th

My first day back was great! I saw aiden and I was really chill cuz I was over him but you never really get fully over your first crush, I really wanted him to be my first boyfriend but that didn't happen and I don't think it will. And Mr and Marin hung out with and old friend of mine, he went to my elementary school and his name is Lawrence. And Sophie introduced me to this girl named Jasmine she is like my best friend now, we have so much in common, except for the part about me never havin a boyfriend its really starting to get to me but ill try my best to keep it from dictatin my behavior. When I got to study hall guess who was in it. Aiden and Bryan the guy who dated Delia last year. still cute as ever. My teacher Ms.McEuen was super nice and let me use the computer. the room the computers were in was seprate from the rest of study hall. so its so fun in there last year I had never really talked to Bryan so aiden introduced us.He is so frikin funny. I think I like him, but I'm not suppost to he dated Delia in suppsot to hate him.

September 8th

I have been resisting liking Bryan. I don't like him. but me and jasmine were messing around today, she showed me this thing where you smash someone's face together and make them say "I'm a guppie and guppies don't smile" then they smile its very funny. Were so stupid

Septemper 19th

I lost my journal again but not much has happened, so there isn't much to say the biggest thing happened today when aiden asked jasmine about and my best friend from last year, Miranda got asked put by aidens best friend. Jasmine and Miranda are really good friends so its like beat friends dating best friends. And then there's me all alone. Now my insecurity is reallly starting to set in, nobody knows but me but I'm gonna tell jasmine when I spend the night at her house tommorow.

October 17th

still not much has happened. except for aiden kissed jasmine a couple weeks ago and she  was making a huge deal about how her and aiden were so in love after dating for 3 days. that was of course a while ago but anywaymarin got in a fight and got expelled, another one bites the dust.:'( she's gone and is never coming back.

October 18th

I feel bad for jasmine. Aiden broke up with her. So I tried talking to her but when I sent her a text it said that her phone was no longer in service so I asked her about it and she said that her mom got a job and her moms boss won't pay her, so she can't collect unemployment anymore but isn't getting paid so she can't pay the bill

October 22nd

Jasmine told me today that she suspects her mom is smoking weed. she said she is always shakey and that her eyes are always blood-shot. I feel so bad for her. she's about to break she told me that she cut her self after aiden broke up with her, I understand why she is forced to be anorexic because her mom can't afford

food because her boss wont pay her. But she manages to cover it all up with a smile.

October 23rd

so today started out normally I.went to class and then finally lunch came along I was just talking to miranda and Jasmine and then Bryan walked over and all 4 of us have a conversation for about 5 minutes until jasmine brought up the whole imma guppie thing, so we all started to smashing eachothers faces together. Bryan did it to me, It was weird, time seemed to be going slower than normal, he looked me in the eyes with almost a nervous look and said ''say imma guppie" so I said it and before I could finish he kissed me. It felt like an hour that we kissed but time did seem to go slower and it was probably about an 5 second kiss, that was my first kiss but i wouldn't change a thing. when he finally pulled away his hands were still on my cheeks he said "Krista?" and I said "what?" with my face still smashed together, he laughed a bit and said " will you go out with me?" and I didn't say anything I just hugged him. and quietly whispered yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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