Little Ms.Sunshine

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Hello. This is my very first story and I am super excited for it. I know it will not be perfect but I 

promise I will try my best. I am new to the Girl Meets World fandom which means I am new to 

riarkle. Please tell me if anything is bad or offensive I will remove it from the story.

In this Chapter, we get a small backstory on Riley's story as well as an insight into how she 

thinks and what she sees around her. The Trigger Warning does not appear yet. However,

there are mentions of Bulimia. Proceed with caution.


She was the girl who's smile was brighter than the sun, the girl who looked at the bright side, the girl who loved love and anyone and everyone she came in contact with.

But there was a price of playing that role. You see being 'naive' you were supposed to smile when people insulted you, acting as if it didn't hurt. You were supposed to pretend as if you were struggling in classes when in actuality you were taking 3 AP Honors Courses in one year alone. Trouble meant you needed tutoring, which you absentmindedly agreed to because you decide to use the time to be with yourself.

Playing the role meant being the innocent happy person with absolutely no problems when in reality you were an absolute mess inside and out. Playing the role meant no one cared beyond that so you continue to Smile, continue to play dumb, continue to hide your hurt because they need you to. Because they expect nothing more.


Riley comes home just before the sun rises after yet another night of stargazing. This marked the third consecutive day she had not been able to sleep, her body not allowing her to.

Her door remained closed, her bed untouched meaning no one had bothered to check on her...luckily.

Riley slips back into her bed and pulls out her phone.

17 Missed Calls. 5 From Maya. 3 From Lucas and 9 From Alex.

Whatever happened is far from what she needed at the moment. Tossing the phone to the side Riley lays down, attempting to get comfortable. She stares up at the ceiling, Maya painted her Pluto for her as a graduation present. They all thought it was stupid but Riley had her reasons for believing in the non-planet. None of which anyone seemed to care for. But she needed it. In an odd way, Pluto was the only thing keeping her alive.


There were many days when she woke up feeling empty, lifeless and it's hard being the Happy Girl when you want nothing more than to be gone. She wanted to help herself, and she was going to get help. But would you ever believe that the girl who had everything felt like nothing, would you ever believe that her smile was as fake as the makeup she wore? No. So why would they?

As time passed Riley sees the sun shine on her room. With that comes a knock at her door.

Welcome to another day of hell.


Riley is hit with the smell of Bacon. It was unusual for her mother to cook on Weekdays which meant something big was happening.

To no surprise, both Lucas and Maya were at the table. Since they started dating they were inseparable. This, of course, meant Riley was subjected to their constant love fest 24/7.

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