When I got high

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School, the one place where I actually enjoy being. Ha-ha, no, I’m not a nerd. I just like seeing all my friends. My all-time super dooper best friend is Marty. Marty is a cool, laid back dude. He wears his tie inappropriately, not all done up properly. As with me, I’m not as cool as Marty, I wear glasses; I am more proper then Marty. I always get high grades. All the time. I never do anything bad. You know, drugs, drinking or criminal offences. People call me goody-two-shoes.

“The Party is going to be great!” I said

“Yeah, how many people are coming?” My friend Marty said

“I don’t know, I invited like 100!” I told him

“Ah, that’s nice, I might come!”

“Good it’s going to be a treat!”

I planned on watching Morgan Freeman movies all night, but my friend Marty said it would be lame and no one would come, so he said we should have a proper party, like ones with alcohol and that. I told him no, because we are too young for alcohol. He told me that if we aren’t having alcohol, then we should at least have music, lights, a DJ and all the proper party stuff. People enjoy that. I don’t enjoy that I told him, but all he said was it’s not about you, it’s about the guests! Then he walked off.

‘Twas, a dark, cold, drizzly Tuesday. I was strolling down the dark, cold street, to the local shops, to buy things for the party. When I walked in, I see a familiar face. It clicks to me, strong, independent black man, Morgan Freeman!! I was as happy as Ebony would be if she met Harry Styles face to face.  I walk up to him and notice a weird thing about him. He was talking to himself.

I asked him, “Excuse me, Mr Freeman, what’re you doing?”

 “Why, I’m narrating my life young boy.” He replied.

 I looked at him with a weird face, “Um, why?”

 He looked at me, “Is that any of your business!?”

 It clicked in me, he isn’t as nice as I thought he would be, but the way he said it, still made feel easy, and not afraid of what he might do next.

 “Oh, I’m sorry Mor- I mean Mr Freeman, I didn’t mean to offend you…” I said with a worried voice.

 He looked at me again, but with an angry expression, “Son, I’d start running if I were you.”

 He started pulling out a gun, it then clicked to me that he is going to shoot me! I started running out of the store into traffic, I wasn’t looking and I got hit by a bus. I lay down in the middle of the street, in pain, knowing that I am going to feel that tomorrow morning. I get up and stick my middle index finger at the person who hit me.  

I began to run again, faster then I usually run. Thoughts crossed my head as I ran,

 “Why am I doing this?” “What, I don’t run?” “Why the hell am I running away from Morgan Freeman, am I crazy!?”

 All these thoughts kept going through my head, I was too busy thinking, that I ran into a wall. I don’t know how long I was down for, but when I got up, boy I was in pain. The thoughts were still running through my head, and I started seeing cats and dogs falling from the sky. A scary old man came up to me and said,

“It’s raining Cats and Dogs!”

 I began to feel dizzy, I don’t know why… All I remember is walking to the shop and seeing Morgan Freeman. I started walking again, I didn’t care where, I just wanted to walk. As I walked, I felt a pain in my arm. I looked at it, it was a small hole, almost looked like I had gotten a needle of some sort, there was dry blood around the area. I tried so hard to think what had happened, some of the theories I thought of were:

 “Did I donate blood?” “Did I get a vaccine?”

 Then it hit me, I was at a party! I must have been pricked in the arm with something. That would mean I really didn’t see Morgan Freeman? That means, I didn’t get hit by a car?  I was just Hallucinating, I was on drugs. I was high.

I began to walk home when a strange man drove past and stopped the car. He looked sort of familiar. He rolled down the window, and believe it or not, it was Liam Neeson.

 He asked, “Do you need a lift?”

 I looked at him and said, “Sorry, I don’t get in strange men’s cars, plus, I bet you, you’re not real.”

 He looked at me and said, “I don’t know who you are, I don’t know what you want, if it’s a ransom you’re looking for I can tell you, I don’t have money. But what I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills that I have acquired over a long career, skills that make me a nightmare to people like you. If you get in my car now, that’ll be the end of it, I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.”

I looked at him with a frightened, yet puzzled face. “Um, excuse me?”

 I looked in his car and I thought I saw an outline of a gun.

 I said to him, “Sorry, but I have to go. My mum is expecting me any minute.”

 I walked away slowly. He did not follow me. Which was a good thing. As I headed off home, I started feeling dizzy again. I thought,

 “I’m still high, aren’t I?”

 That would, explain Liam Neeson.

As I walked (I don’t even know if I really am even walking, because I have been hallucinating so much) I decided to go where any normal high person would go. Back to the party I was at. It was a huge party like seriously, 3 people came, oh my god. So, as I headed back to the party, I found a weird object. It looked like a watch. I picked it up and pushed the button that said:


 After a weird 10 seconds of alarm noises, Morgan Freeman AND Liam Neeson appeared in front of me.

Morgan Freeman looked at me and said, “Boy, I thought I said you better start running?”

Liam Neeson said, “I told you I would find you.”

They both started attacking me, I called for help, but no one could hear me, because I knew, just knew I was just hallucinating. Before Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson could kill me, a talking teddy bear came up from behind and killed the both of them. I said “Thank-you!” He looked at me and jumped on top of me and killed me!

And then the drugs wore off. You don’t understand how relieved I was, my heart rushed, it was beating 100 kilometres an hour! I couldn’t believe what had happened!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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