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Date: Tuesday /1/November /2016
Age: 16
Place: house party

Fabias POV

Pecking one of my eyes open to see Jasmine staring at my, shock but happiness in her eyes, making me smile even more, but still feeling the wetness growing, making me go red, looking down to see her boobs out, I can't take it anymore so I just do the first thing that pops in my little head, kiss her, for a few seconds she doesn't kiss back making me panic, but then she does, making me smile again.

Things start getting lets say sexual, getting on top of her, then I hear the door open, looking round to see Mitchell my boyfriend well now ex boyfriend, but I don't love him I've never loved him.

"What the fuck" Mitchell shouts

"I can explain" I say trying not to scream

"I now u where a fag"

Mitchell's fists clench making me shake, Jasmine notices and sits up taking the bed sheet with her walking up to a really mad Mitchell.

"Shut up I have a head ache" she says holding her head, with her small hands

Mitchell pushes past Jasmine so he can get to me, let's just say Jasmine isn't someone you want to fuck with, she's really strong and her family is a bit crazy, Jasmine grabs Mitchell by the neck and pulls him out the room closing and locking the bedroom door, she falls on the bed next to me curling up into a ball and smile, putting my arm over her, we both fall back to sleep.

Shit so I don't now or what to do with this story so just tell me some of your ideas and I will see if I can get them in bye XD

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