The phone call

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Chapter 1-

The voice mail message

It's 3am and I get a phone call. What's it about? Who's calling? What's happened? All these questions going through my head it is just so annoying. I let the phone ring out until lit gets to voice mail were I think they will just leave me alone. That is where I was wrong extremely wrong they don't just ring back once nor twice but three times. Let alone having them ring but since I didn't pick up they leave a message. Now I think something is seriously wrong....

I fall asleep after receiving many thoughts indeed that brain wash me and make me have night mares for the rest of the night. I fell like I'm a kid again watching a scary movie and climbing into mum and dads bed having someone to snuggle with. But this feeling is worse with all these crazy thoughts in my mind I can't be sure that my parents are alive. It's all my fault I'm this worried I'd just picked up the phone and not worried about my beauty sleep I would know important information but I don't.

I put my phone to my ear and listen to the voice mail I received at 3:07 am this morning. Is the news good? Is it bad? Was it a prank call? Why so early? To many thoughts brainwashing me making me wonder to many bad things. But still was I worried, about to play the voice mail to my ear, I worried many things both good and bad..... "Think positive," I say "stay strong things happen for a reason. God is always by my side through many tough and rough times, he is there."

As I listen to the message I almost begin to cry is it happiness or sadness or both mixed together. I can't hear myself think so how can I hear the voice. It weird I know it is but I'm scared very scared. The tone of the voice seems cheerful my hopes go up to the sky as if I won an award. But then my life turns upside down, inside out and back to front all at the same time when this chick says "I crashed a car into the creek and it's your mum and dad in the car. LOL!!!!!"

"How is this funny!" I scream into the phone pointlessly knowing its a voice mail. "How,how,how?" I constantly asked myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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