Pay Attention

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Listen to me. Just listen, you know why I do this. You know exactly why I have to.
No. No I don't think I do.
Because they hate you! How stupid are you? You know just as well as I do that Fazbear hates you. He said it himself.
He was upset. He wasn't thinking straight we're still family.
Are you? Good Neptunes. Look at yourself! How many times have you cried because of them? How many broken beer bottles have you stabbed into your own body because of them? You keep falling into there trap. You keep letting yourself be fooled. I'm tired of it. Is about time they all meet there you really not understand why I'm doing this?
I went quite. I was done talking. I sighed and looked around me. The room was just as it been, except now papers where ripped off the wall. Any image of Freddy or the band was clawed at and thrown to the floor. I looked down....what was I even fighting for? HE was right. I was hated. By Freddy for sure. I had very little control of myself now. I couldn't leave this spot. In the middle of the floor, with torn papers all around me....alone. I closed my eyes....what difference would it make if I just let him take over?....then I remembered. I cant.
I can't just let him have what he wants.
Goldie is waiting for me I know it. I can't let some side personality tell me otherwise.

The door opened. I looked up to see a Purple bear. He looked shorter then Goldie. Heck even shorter then me. "Hello Foxy. I understand your having some issues?" I fell silent. Who the hell is this? The bear took a step closer to me. I took a step back, "Don't fear me. I am not here to hurt you." He spoke softly. I shook my head and replied " I'm not scared of you hurting me. I-i don't want to hurt you..." My ears went back. The small bear giggled "have no fear of that ether. I assure you, YOU CAN'T."
Oh I can't? We'll see about that. I clawed out at him but to my surprise it went thru his body as if it was just smoke. He smiled and held out his paws "take your best shot." He said. I swung again. And again. And again. Each time my claws phased thru him. I growled and he grabbed my paws in his "you see....I'm not like the others. I've practiced magics you could only imagine. My body is much more shadow then flesh. So can't hurt me. Have no fears...." His paws started to glow with a purple aura. I hissed at the stinging in my hands and tried to pull away....he refused to let me.

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