He changed her (Harry Styles)

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*Essy's POV*

I sat in my room, listening to some hard rock music, I'm always listening to one song.. It's weird, but that's the only song I like.

I hate listening to my brother's band, One Direction. I don't like their music, and don't think they're good. Maybe because I'm Louis' little sister.. I don't know.

"Essy! Come down. We need to talk!" Mom shouted from downstairs. I hate my parents. They are always so annoying, and I really hate talking with them. It's always about that I have to change my attitude. But no way! I'm not going to be like Louis. No one understand that I want to be someone else than Louis!

When everyone sees Louis, they expect me, as his little sister, to be as nice as he is. But it will never happen. I don't wanna be his sweet little sister who always does the right thing.

I walked down the stairs and stood in front of mom and dad. Expecting them to say something, so I don't need to start the conversation.

"We have talked about this a long time"

Mom spoke.

"That I'm not allowed to have piercings. I know, but I will never take them out" I said, looking at them both.

"It wasn't exactly that, but yeah, you need to take them out" she said.

Fuck me for bringing up the piercings.

I was still standing there, not moving, and again just waited for them to spoke. I'm not going to answer what she said.

"But anyway. We have talked to your brother, and he agreed with you joining him on tour!" She said, grinning.

My jaw almost dropped down to the floor. "No, I'm not going to join him. Never ever" I said calmly and turned around to walk away. I'm so mad, but I always hide my feelings.

"C'mon honey! It's going to be fun" dad said.

"No" I replied.

"You get to see all his friends again. And they're handsome" mom said, just to cheer me up. But it didn't work.

"All of them are ugly! I hate them"

"Essy, we know you don't mean it"

"You are pathetic"

I walked up the stairs, and sat down on my bed again. I know this is going to happen. I have to join them on that stupid tour so they can change me..


*next day*

Yep! I had right! I'm now packing all my clothes, for 5 months. At least I don't have to go to school, and to be honest, that's the only good thing with this stupid tour. I don't understand that mom and dad is still trying to change me... They have tried that in 3 years, with no luck! And they are still trying. They don't understand that I am never going to change.

Louis walked into my room. "Finish packing?" He asked.

"Get the hell out of my room" I replied.

"You won't say 'thank you' or something, for letting you join us on tour?" He asked.

"Why the hell am I going to thank you?

I have never asked you to let me join you"

"I'm embarrassed over you"

"I have never expected you to be proud of me"

"Just let me know when you're finish packing" he said, walking out of my room. I rolled my eyes and in 30 minutes I was finish.

He changed her (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now