Just like the rest

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Your POV
It was a Early morning and i walked to my new school.
"Things have to Be Different here!"I thought to myself as I reached school.
I walked in and to my locker.
After putting my Bag and coat away into my locker, someone closed my locker.
I didn't look who it was but before I could have a reaction I was pushed to the ground and I hear footsteps rush down the hallways.
I jumped up so people wouldn't notice and made my way down to the office.
"What a Great start"I quietly muttered to myself as I waited for the lady sitting behind the desk in the office to pull my records from my old school up.
She looked at me with worried eyes.
"I'll show you to your Home room"She said with kindness and walked over to me.
She bent down by my ear and whispered "If anyone here treats you harshly just let me know"!
"No way i will do that! If I do that then people would think I am a tattle tale or something like that"I thought but I quietly nodded in response.
"Now come with me"She said and walked me to my home room.
"Listen up Class! This is our New student"The Lady announced  To the class.
"Introduce your self"The Teacher said with a smile.
"I-..I'-m (Y-Y-....Y/------)"I was cut off by the Class Laughing.
I bit my lip and took my seat at the Back of the class.
I glanced over beside me and saw a boy with a Orange hoodie and a Mask that covered his face.He looked out the window staring out into his thoughts.
I looked back at my desk and pulled out my sketch pad.
I drew a boy in a similar orange That the boy beside me was wearing but it had no hood. He had brown hair and a white mask.
Painted black eyes and painted lips.
I didn't pay attention much in class but it didn't really matter! I didn't get in trouble.
Before Class was over "(Y/N) and Brian! You will be partners for tomorrow!"The teacher called out.
"Huh....Y-Yea O-...okay"I said looking up at her standing in the front of the class.
"Is that okay with you Brian"She asked looking to the boy beside me.
"Y-Yea Wh-hat....ev-er"The boy beside me stuttered not looking up but kept his eyes looking outside.
"Okay then! Now that partners are decided then Class may be dismissed"The teacher said and the students got up.
"(Y/N) I would like to speak with you"The teacher said and I walked up to the front of class and leaned against a desk.
The students Left and Brian was the only other student still in here.
He was at the doorway and the teacher began.
POV BRIAN (Hoodie)
The teacher began to talk and I went out of the room and stood outside the doorway listening.
"Okay the Secretary told me that in your last schools you didn't fit in and you were Bullied and teased!"I heard the teacher say.
"Y-Yea Bu-t I will be fine!"The girl named (Y/N) told her.
"Just make sure you make friends and fit in and you can always talk to me"Our teacher told her.
"Yea yea I'll be alright! Goodbye"(Y/N) said and I heard footsteps coming my way.
I played causal and she walked out carrying a sketch pad.
I saw a drawing and I knew what it was.
"T-Tim?"I mumbled as she left down the hall.
I followed her outside.
It's Study hall and afterwards is Lunch so we all have time to spare.
She walked to a tree and sat down.
"Hey Brian"I hear someone say behind me.
I turn around to see Tim behind me with his mask on.
"Wanna hang out"He asked?
"Yea we can but I have to talk to......"He cut me off"Yea yea the partner thing! You can do it tomorrow! Just lets go"!
I looked back at (Y/N) and saw she was surrounded by three boys.
The stood around her and she was gripping onto her sketch pad.
"W-Wh-a...t a-are Th...-ey do---in...g wi-th he..r"I ask Tim?
"Maybe they're trying to make friends with her! Just lets go" He said putting a and on my shoulder.
One boy kicked her and one held her down and the other two kept kicking her.
"N-No"I told Tim and rushed towards them.
Tim chased after me.
I reached them "LE-A....V--E HE--R AL..-ON--E"I yelled!
The boys stopped and looked at me.
"Oh lookey here! Brian is trying to protect this pathetic excuse as a person"One boy said walking towards me.
"Brian Let's go! Leave them be"Tim said.
The boy Threw a punch at me and hit me in the stomach.
I fell to the ground and he kicked me.
"NO STO-P IT! HE DI-DN'T DO AN-YTHING WRONG"I hear a girl yell.
The other two boys ran over kicking and punching me.
Someone else ran over trying to get the boys away.
"Just shut up (Y/N)! Your no help anyways"A boy said.
"GET AW-AY F-FROM HI-M"I hear the girl yell again.
"Go keep that girl qui....."The boy was cut off by falling to the ground.
Tim tackled him.
The other two kept kicking and punching and Then one got kicked .
He fell to the ground whining and I quickly sat up grabbing the last boys ankle throwing him to the ground.
"B-Brian Your okay! GOOD"I hear Tim yell.
"Y-Yea I-'m alright! But I...s sh-E o-okay"I ask him?
"You could've just left me"I hear someone say.
Y/N walked over with no smile.
"N-No I Cou-l....dn't do t-that"I said with a smile under my mask.
"*Sigh* I thought You were like the rest but I guess I have to Actually Be nice to you and your Friend atleast"She said and walked away.
"Wow She seemed delightful"Tim said helping me up.
"Shut it! Y-Your L-Like t-..hat t-too"I told him.
"Yea yea! Just don't take Pity of her"He told me and we walked back to the school.

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