•°•°• Chapter 3 •°•°•

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√ Derica's P.O.V √

I arrived at work the next day thinking about last night. I had a good time but, I was hoping we could do more. I'm not sure of his feelings for me but I was hoping I would find out.

I sat in the car thinking until I saw Jessica drive in. My mind went back to what happened on Monday.


"Jess? What's wrong?" I asked her as she took a seat in front of me.

I got up and locked the door with the bolt and she said, "He doesn't want me anymore." while sobbing.

"He who? Jessica you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend?"



I began to wonder again, was she going to say, 'Lucas'?

I immediately got out of my car and walked up to her.

"Hi Jess."

"Hey Derica." She replied with a genuine smile.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry I couldn't get to talk to you on Monday, I was busy for the rest of the day."

"That's ok Derica, Luis and I sorted things out. We're back on good terms."

I mentally sighed a sigh of relief when I found out it wasn't Lucas. "That's great Jess! Wish I could have helped though."

"That's fine."

"I have a lot waiting for me in office so, see you later." I truthfully said.

"Later Derica." She said as we went our separate ways.


I arrived in the office and started working. I responded to some emails from other Banks of California. I got the chance to sort out some files too and when I was finished I sat in my chair. As I made a deep breath I heard the office phone ring.

"Derica Valda speaking." I said, knowing it was the receptionist.

"Miss Valda? There is someone here who would like to see you personally."

"Send the person to my office please. Thank you." I said and hung up.

A few moments later my door was opened and a man walked in. He had brown eyes and black low cut hair. He looked middle aged and quite familiar.

"Good day sir." I said.

"Hi, my Rica."

I instantly knew who he was. He was the only person who called me by that nickname that brought back so much memories. He hadn't changed much, but it's been more than 5 years since I've seen him so his face had been erased from my memory.

"Dad." I said expressionlessly, starting at his face, which wasn't much different than mine- only more masculine."What brings you here after so many years?"

He took a seat which I hadn't offered him and began, "Well I own a modeling agency near by-"

I cut him off, "So what does that have to do with me?"

"Well, when you were 15 you told me that you wanted to be a model."

"Right, wanted. Wanted until you told me I was too fat and that my face isn't fit for the modeling world." I said drily. "You can't possibly expect me to forget that."

"I know I shouldn't have said that but-"

Once again, I interrupted. "But what?" I snapped, "Didn't you think of my self-esteem? Did you ever even think of apologising to me, until now, that you want to use me to make money for your 'agency'?"

He did not respond. Instead, he held his head down. About a minute later, he held his head back up and took something from out of his back pocket. He slid it on the desk towards me.

"Let me know if you change your mind." He said as I noticed it was his business card.

He got up and walked out before closing the door behind him. I let out a sigh and put the business card to the side of my desk.


The day was basically over and I had just reached home. I threw my self down in the couch, feeling tired of thinking so much. I couldn't take my mind off what happened 8 years ago.

I shook it off and went upstairs to take a long warm shower and put on a white tank top and a pair of brown shorts. I lay down in bed and of course, having nothing to do, I began thinking of it again.


"Hey dad!" I flung the door open to see my father who was sitting in the couch watching the television.

Mom was a neurosurgeon and didn't get home til 11 in the night. My dad, however, was a marine biologist who only worked from 8 to 4 so he would always be home when I get home at 5. Also he would be able to make dinner for me since he wouldn't be too tired. Because of this, my dad and I were close. I only saw my mom in the mornings before I go to school because she was strict on me going to bed by 9, and dad would come to make sure that I was sleeping at that time.

"Hi my princess!" He said, tearing his attention from the television to smile at me.

I took a seat beside him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"How was school?" He asked, looking in my direction again.

"School was great dad!" I stated excitedly. "I got an A+ on my Physics test!

"That's my Rica!" He said, placing a kiss on my forehead as I gave him a toothy grin.

We both focused our attention to television and I saw what he was watching- Project Runway. We watched it for an hour and even though it was my first time watching it without skipping through to another channel, I was beginning to like it.

"Dad, I want to be a model." I blurted out, looking up at him.

He chuckled, "Well it's not as easy as it looks sweetheart. You will have to take off all that weight."

"So can't I rock my body the way it is?" I asked, feeling a little hurt.

"No, Rica. You're just too fat to be a model. Besides, your face wouldn't fit a model anyway."

I couldn't reply. I was definitely hurt. The tears were on the verge of flowing from my eyes, and I immediately took up my bag and ran to my room. By the time I was there, my face was covered in tears- my unfit-for-a-model face. I jumped into bed, buried my face into my pillow and cried my eyes out until I fell asleep.


And that's exactly what I did tonight again- I cried myself to sleep.


Photo: David H Myers

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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