Mystery Book...Chapter 13

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Hey! Such a late update! Yes yes I know. My birthday wasn't that long ago, so i'm gonna make this treat for you today! 

In the past I had asked: Do you want reader-chan to have a baby, or not? 

So for what you all been waiting for....

The Votes. 

32 voters said: Yes

8 voters said: No

So there is gonna be a baby!!! But for all of you that said no, please don't be disappointed! This baby will be mother fuckin' cool!! Let me stop my rambling and get on with the story!


As Grace talked, you could of sworn you heard voices outside. "Oh sweet guitar! Where'd you get it?" Grace asked as she lightly touched the guitar. A gust of wind came from the window, your hair flowed ever so slightly in the wind, you knew you couldn't tell her. Sure, she was your bestfriend but...she wouldn't even believe you, she'd think you'd be crazy.

"Oh uh...I honestly don't remember...sorry." You frowned a bit, but grace kept her cheery smile. The both of you continued to talk for a while longer, nine o'clock hit and Grace had to go. 

"I'll see you next Friday, kay?" Grace grinned grabbing her bag and walked to the door. 

I only nodded, I wanted to hurry and go to the attic to look at more pictures before I fell asleep. Grace headed out and I glanced at the guitar. 

'Why did my father turn so evil...I don't get it. North had to be the reason for all this. Only one way to find out I guess.' I headed up to the attic and sat down, pulling the dusty box towards me, it hasn't been open since yesterday...but from the looks of it, it was years. What didn't North tell me...or my mother? What kind of secrets have they been keeping from me...? 


Jack flew far away, Pitch on his tail. " really should go to her. Make her remember you, there has to be a-" 

Jacks fingers clenched into a fist, he cut Pitch off before another word was said,"Shut up! There IS no way Pitch!"

Pitch only glared at him,"You don't know that Jack. You never quite tried anything. Lets say, she does remember you. If you wait long before you go back to her, she WILL forget you!"

Jack paused flying,"...Even if I go day she'll forget me, just like everyone else..." Jacks voice seemed to crack at that. His head was down, avoiding Pitch's glare burning right through him.

A few seconds of silence went through the two men. Pitch's glare softened a bit,"Jack...its better to enjoy what you have now. (y/n)'s come this far...she won't forget you...she'll always believe in you. She will remember you, because you are in her heart, and i'm sure you'll always be..."

Jack was shocked by the kind words coming out of Pitch's mouth. His frown slowly turned into a grin,"Your really accepting me then?"

Pitch sighed,"In a way, yes."

Jacks grin widened,"...can I call you father now?"

"Don't push it." Pitch hissed.

Jack backed up a bit laughing,"Alright alright...but before we do get (Y/n)..we need to take care of North. Him being around..isn't good. Not for me, (Y/n), or the others back at the North Pole."

Pitch thought about it,"'re actually betraying your side?"

Jack scratched the back of his neck,"Uh, I wouldn't call it BETRAYING...just helping."

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