a new beginning

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(Olivia above^^^^)

The sun rays peeked through the blinds in my window until I had no choice but to get up and close them.  It felt as though I had just gone to bed when in reality I had most likely gotten a full 8 hours of sleep which was more than I usually got, yet I still had that gross tired feeling I seemed to always get. My tired blue eyes were trying their best to stay open, since I knew that I couldn't sleep in today like I had other days.

Today, was my first day of school. Summer had ended too soon and already I was aching to be back in Hawaii, where we used to live. I wasn't used to the dry hot weather of Arizona nor was I used to living somewhere so big compared to my old house. But the housing didn't make up for what I had left behind. The salty light blue waves I had surfed on almost every morning were replaced with the dry sandy desert you couldn't even explore without getting a heat stroke. I would do anything right now to be seeing green palm trees with large coconuts instead of green cacti with large thorns.

But as much as this move upset me, I knew it had to be done. My grandmother on my moms side had recently confessed that she's been battling skin cancer for the last two years. My mom was devastated that this information was unknown to us until now, but knew that my grandmother was probably doing what she thought best at the time. She had always been stubborn, or at least that's what my mom always told me. We had never visited much and when we did, we never visited for too long because of my families busy schedules. I guess that was partly the reason why my mom felt so guilty, if she had visited more she surely would have been aware of my grandmothers situation. Plus I guess I needed a change anyway after recent events...

So that's why we're here now, trying to keep my grandmother company for however much longer she would live. It sucked, knowing one of my family members I was actually close to, would be dead soon. Death. It was such a weird thing to think about. One day your alive and the next day your not, there wasn't much anyone could do when it was someone's time to pass. Even after the hundreds of years that people have studied the human body, no one; not even the best doctors could save everyone. I can't help but wonder why people put themselves out there, and got attached to people when they knew that someday, they would inevitably die. 'Easy answer. you out of all people should know that loneliness is way scarier than the possibility of getting hurt.' I remind myself. My fathers voice interrupted my thoughts and reminded me of the fact that today was unthankfully my first day of school.

"Olivia! Wake up, you don't want to miss your first day of school pumpkin."

I quickly got out of bed and shuffled into my new bathroom which happened to be right across from my room!! This move definitely wasn't exactly ideal but on the bright side, since my parents found better jobs here, we got a house that was larger and more modern than my old house. And I wouldn't ever have to see the people I always tried so hard to forget about again.

"I'm up! And don't be too sure about that. We both know I'd rather get banged in the head with a coconut than be surrounded by a bunch of dry sand and cactus." I tried to joke around but my dad knew I needed this move just as much as my mom did. Even though I would miss the place where I grew up, I definitely needed a change. However, I wasn't too keen on going to high school, where I knew there would be plastic bitches, horny jocks, band geeks, regular geeks, fat girls, anorexic girls, the hot bad boys, the cute golden boys, the girls who cry about everything, the goth/emo girls, the queen bees, the- ...I'm not even going to name all of them because who has time for that, but to sum it up, high school, as you probably already know, is just a bunch of cliques. Me, being the lucky person I am, am probably not going fit into any of these cliques especially since I'll probably be the only new senior. Not that it really bothered me. This year all I wanted to do was focus on school. After everything that happened last year, I wasn't eager to make a bunch of new friends. My main goals were to get good grades, not get attached to anyone and always make sure my brows are on fleek! I looked into the mirror and gazed lovingly at my beautiful brows.

"Hey loser, can you please stop looking at your eyebrows and get ready so we aren't late the first day!"

Oh, and I forgot mention, I have an idiot twin brother named Oliver. But don't worry, even though our names are similar, were complete opposites. While we both have tan skin, dirty blonde hair and identical blue eyes with hints of green, personality wise, we weren't very similar. He was very flirty and would be considered a player and while I could certainly flirt well and use my good looks to my advantage, I didn't feel the need to seduce everyone I laid my eyes on. Plus, it was hard to find someone who wasn't afraid of my protective brother. Even though he had the blonde hair blue eye golden boy look, he certainly wasn't golden. My brother had gotten in trouble more than a few times. There was only one person who knew about my brother and still had the guts to talk to me. But I didn't like to think about him after he-

"Olivia! Did you hear me?? Get ready or else I'll shave off your eyebrows in your sleep!"

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT YOU EVIL CHICKEN NUGGET!!" I seethe in anger while I start laughing like the evil conniving bitch I am. I hear my brother say 'oh shit' and I hear his footsteps getting further and further away. For now, I would get ready since I really didn't think it was smart to be late the first day, even though I would rather not go at all. But later I would get back at him. HOW DARE HE THREATEN MY EYEBROWS. that stupid butthole.

Anyways... I guess I'll start getting ready. I took a shower the night before so I just brushed my hair out and left it natural. My golden dirty blonde hair was already pretty straight and thankfully didn't take much time to do. I put on some tinted moisturizer, chapstick, mascara and a subtle smokey eye. For my outfit I put on a small black dress and a green army jacket on. I added a couple necklaces to look like I actually tried and then put on some black combat boots.

(Olivia's outfit^^^)

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(Olivia's outfit^^^)

I shouted to Oliver that I was ready and walked downstairs.

"Took you long enough", he scoffed. I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed.

"Do you really want to mess with me right now after you threatened my beautiful eyebrows???"

He looked at me and shuddered, knowing I would get him back before the day was over. Well at least that shut him up. We walked to the kitchen where I saw my father drinking a cup of black coffee while reading the newspaper. I failed to see my mother and looked around the kitchen in confusion. My dad must have noticed my confused look and informed me my mom was already at work. 'Thanks for being here for me on my first day' I think in my head.

After noticing the time, my father tossed the keys to car to my brother and tossed me a granola bar. I guess everyone already had breakfast without me. traitors.

My brother and I both got into the new car my parents got for us to share. I would've been more excited if I didn't need to share it with my devil twin but it was a grey convertible so I didn't complain.

Right before we started to drive I heard something; or someone from the house next to us. Curiosity got the best of me and I turned my head to see who our new neighbors were. What I wasn't expecting to see was probably one of the hottest guys I've ever seen.

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