chapter 2

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Standing outside of the house beside mine, was a tall guy who I already knew would tower over me; slouching or not. My eyes lifted up to his face where I could see tousled dark chocolate brown hair that hung in his brooding eyes that I yearned to get a better look at, but knew I couldn't.

His cold eyes shifted to me, almost daring me to look away. But I couldn't. I was entranced with this stranger and couldn't look away even if I wanted to. It was only him and I.

Time seemed to unfreeze as our car finally began to start moving after what felt like minutes but in reality was merely seconds. Our gaze broke and I slowly came back to reality. I had yet to even meet this guy, nor did I have knowledge of his name and already I was this easily captivated by him. I decided it was nothing, only an attraction and probably my stupid teenage girl hormones that always seemed to make me think crazy things whether I was on my period wanting to kill someone, or being slightly interested in everyone I deemed attractive.

My brother and I didn't bother with small talk in the car. We were both nervous whether either of us admitted it or not; one thing we had in common was our pride. With neither of us talking, the only sound emitted from the car was the soft music playing from a random radio station, and Siri's annoyingly loud voice reading the directions.

We had checked out the school a few days before but still weren't familiar with the streets. I looked out the window in hopes of finding a distraction but the images were flying too fast and I was only left with a few glimpses of my new "home". A few minutes later, I saw the somewhat familiar entrance of the school. This is it, my fresh start. Hopefully this move wouldn't turn out to be bad as it seemed. The sound of the car engine quieting down brought me outside of my thoughts and into the reality that we were at the school. We glanced at each other nervously before stepping out of the car, and walking towards my new hell.

The nervous look on his face disappeared as soon as all the girls started fawning over him. I scoffed and stomped over to the entrance of the school. This was how it always was. Every girl that saw him immediately fell for his looks and soon after, would fall for his charm as well. What all those poor girls never seemed to notice was that, like every fuck boy, all he wanted was to get inside there pants. Stupid hormonal girls. 'And your not a stupid hormonal girl?' my subconscious questions. Great, I can't even get along with myself. I'm surprised I even found people to be friends with me at my old school. 'not good friends' I reminded myself. Oops, forgot about that. Sometimes it slipped my mind that the people I had become so used to being in my life were just memories now. That, being why this year I wouldn't let myself get close to anyone. After all, all people ever do is disappoint you and I was really tired of always being disappointed.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a wolf whistle. It was then that I noticed almost everyone in the hall was staring at me. Great, I was already attracting attention. I probably had food on my face, I wouldn't be surprised after how things have been lately.

I started walking a little faster, trying to escape all the stares. After a few minutes of walking, I realized I had no idea where I was. Ugh, my first day already sucks.

I stopped walking and tried to fish out the map of the school my mother printed from the schools website. After a minute of dumping out more than half of the contents in the bag, I thankfully found the paper that could make this day somewhat easier. I smiled at my small victory, about to take a look at the map when something pushed into me, making my stuff fly everywhere.

"What the fuck?!" I turned around to see who the culprit was, ready to spew out more curses at them only to see three tall muscular Greek god looking guys behind me.

"uh h-hi" I look down on the ground blushing unable to make eye contact with any of the three guys. Curse you teenage girl hormones!

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't have nasty things coming out of your mouth." I look up to see which one of the three guys was speaking to me and see forest green eyes and dirty blonde hair. His muscles protruded his shirt and it was pretty obvious that he spent a lot of time at the gym.

"Like what you see?" he said smirking. Damn it, he caught me staring at him. Think of something quick Olivia.

"Just making sure I remember the face I'll be avoiding the next few weeks," I say smiling sweetly at him. The two guys next to him burst out laughing. I had yet to get a good look at either of them and looked to see if they were as hot as smirking guy.

My eyes traveled to the source of the laughing and saw brown eyes with curly golden brown hair. Just like smirking guy, he obviously worked out a lot. My eyes flitted to the guy next to him. He had grayish blue eyes and dark curly hair. He looked oddly familiar but I knew I would have remembered if I had seen him before. His good looks would be hard to forget.

Smirk guy looks up at me and smiles genuinely this time. Hmm, guess he needs a new nickname.

"Looks like we're gonna be friends." I look at him incredulously, "This is how you react to me deciding to avoid you?"

"He's just happy because he's always wanted a girl friend and your the first girl who hasn't tried to get in his pants," familiar guy says, smiling at me with bright white teeth. I unknowingly start swooning at his beautiful smile, until I notice how much of a freak I must look like and remember that I still haven't answered him. Crap.

"I find it a little unbelievable that every girl would throw themselves at him " I say. After all, he did knock all my stuff down and had yet to apologize. I was allowed a few insults.

"Ooo that one stung princess, I think I'm gonna need a kiss to feel better", he pouts.

"Not so fast Ethan, we don't want to chase her off do we?" familiar guy says, turning to smirk guy- I guess his name is Ethan. Smirk g- I mean Ethan, looks like he's going to say something, but the bell rings.

Shit!! I'm going to be late my first day! And I still have no idea where anything is! Curse these very attractive guys for distracting me. Speaking of these very attractive guys, I finally notice that they're starting to walk to their classes, me of course being forgotten.

"Wait! uhm I-I need help finding- well I have no idea where anything is," I say exasperated. I see familiar guy, who's name I still don't know turn to his friends and say something that I can't hear because of there hushed tones. Please please please can one of these guys be nice enough to help me. My silent pleas are answered when I see familiar guy walking towards me. I can't help but gawk at his model-like features again. He's just sooo hot.

"I know I am sweet cakes, now are we gonna help you find your classes or are you going to keep gawking at me?" he says smirking at me. Shit, I said that out loud! What is wrong with me?? And sweet cakes, really?

"Uh-I," I'm shut up when he drapes an arm around my shoulder; his other arm holding my stuff that is suddenly in my bag instead of on the ground. Wait when did that happe- "I put your stuff back in your bag while you were busy staring at me," he laughs, reading my mind.

"Oh, thanks," I speak softly, slightly blushing. His shiny white teeth rise into another gorgeous smile as he reaches into my bag, pulling out my class schedule. How did he find it so quickly? It was always impossible for me to fish out papers from my bag without dumping the whole thing. This guy has god like features and freaking super powers! I mean no one can just reach into a bag and pull out exactly what they were looking for! I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a hand gently touch my shoulder.

"Did you hear anything I just said??" I look up at him sheepishly and nod 'no'.

"For me to help you find your classes, your going to need to listen," he chuckles lightly. Shit, why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of this guy?? He must think I have mental problems by now.

Before I can apologize for spacing out, he starts talking again, "We have every class but 1st period, but I'll still show you where it is." My mouth breaks into a relieved smile and thank him. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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