Chapter 3

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Next Morning Dream's Pov

I woke up in somebody's arms. I look up and see a sleeping Kade. I giggled and kissed his nose. He's so cute when he sleeps. He's still sleeping. We gotta get up though. His phone started vibrating. So I picked it up and froze when I heard Braden's voice. "Yo Kade, Where'd ye go yesterday. We were looking everywhere for the fag. Maybe he went home to cut himself. Hah! Anyways we're meeting at Pizza Hut later and wanted to know if you wanted to come. Me and my new girlfriend will be there. Elissa is coming. You can bring anybody you want to so yeah. Bye bro!" then he hung up. I started crying and set the phone down. I was crying so much that it woke Kade. "Dream why are you crying....." I didn't answer. "Dream please tell me.." I nodded and signed, 'Braden called so I answered your phone, but I didn't know it was him, and he said, 'Yo Kade, Where'd ye go yesterday. We were looking everywhere for the fag. Maybe he went home to cut himself. Hah! Anyways we're meeting at Pizza Hut later and wanted to know if you wanted to come. Me and my new girlfriend will be there. Elissa is coming. You can bring anybody you want to so yeah. Bye bro' and then he hung up.' Kade frowned and then quickly replaced it with worry, "You don't cut do you?" he asked. I looked down in shame. "Lift your sleeves Dream" he ordered. I shook my head. "Please Dream?" he pleaded. I shook my head. He grabbed my arm and I winced. "Dream, Oh my god these could get infected!" He screamed. I flinched and started crying even more. He picked me up and brought me to the bathroom. "I'm cleaning these off." he said bluntly. I nodded

After He Cleans His Cuts

"Hey Dream, I'm bringing you to Pizza Hut with me, I'm gonna stand up to that idiot named Braden. Elissa said she'll help me sneak you in." Kade told me. I smiled sadly. I was still crying because the rubbing alcohol made my cuts sting. I nodded. The doorbell rang. I ran upstairs. "Yo Kade, so you coming?" I heard Braden ask. I shook with fear written all over my face. "I am, but I'm waiting for Elissa to pick me up after I get showered and dressed.  Sorry I can't go now, I'll meet you 3 up later." Kade said. to him. "Kay bro, but make sure you do, we have news on fagboy..." I heard the door shut so I just started crying. Kade ran over to me. Listen I have to shower, I'll be out in like five minutes." he said. I nodded and just sat there crying my eyes out. I stopped crying after 4 minutes. I heard the bathroom door open and Kade walked into his room to change. After he came out I smiled a real smile. He kissed my nose. I giggled. Kade looked out the window and grabbed my hand. He brought me to a car with a girl in it. He motioned for me to get in. I climbed into the car and he sat next to me. I was looking out the window til I heard, "OHMYGOSH! Kade you never told me his eyes were like that! They're so beautiful!" she squealed. I blushed and she aww'd the loudest aww I've ever heard. I covered my ears. "Oh I'm sorry Dream.." she said quietly. I giggled. She started driving and I got nervous. I started shaking out of nervousness. Kade was squeezing my hand.

At Pizza Hut

I stood inside hiding by the entrance. Kade and Elissa went over to the table. I listened to the conversation. "On the news it says his dad is looking for him. His dad seems nice and he ran away" Braden snickered. I wiped my eyes and smiled when I heard Kade's voice. "No, Braden, his dad isn't nice, In fact his dad abuses him, so I let him stay with me, Yes I did do that to your victim. That's where WE disappeared to yesterday. It's because of you and his father that he's a mute, you ruined his life. Guess what Braden? I fucking hate your guts, I never really wanted to stand up to you because at first I was afraid of you. That was until I realized that I liked Dream..." he paused. I blushed at that. I heard Elissa's voice, "He's such a beautiful boy, I don't see why you guys do this, it's stupid. I agree with Kade... Brendan we're through, I never loved you.... You can be such an ass it's not even funny, and Btdubs, I'M NOT A FUCKING SLUT! Look at Braden's blonde girl, That bimbo is the slut...." she screamed. Woah. Kade walked over to me. Braden glared at me and smirked. "Kade what are you going to do to him. You honestly look like you could punch somebody in the face right now." Braden sneered. Kade walked over to Braden and punched his face 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 times. Wow. Blonde bimbo was watching in amusement. I giggled at how she was staring at Braden and Kade. Kade walked over to me and crashed his lips onto mine. I blushed but kissed back. He pulled away and told Braden something I thought he would be nervous about. "I'm gay Braden, if you have a problem with it then leave me alone, along with Dream. We both know I'm stronger anyways... so I'd beat you up any day." Kade said with confidence. "Wow, This is interesting, and I'm not a bimbo or a slut.... Braden did my makeup and gave me a fake tan... because he does that with every single girl he dates. I'm actually very nice to people, unlike this jerk that I wanted to date... can I go with you guys, and Elissa can you help me get the makeup off?" Blondie said. "Of course!" she squealed. We all left together. Elissa and Blondie up front, Kade and I in the back.

Hope you enjoyed my chapter... I'll update soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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