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「 I can't believe after this there is only one chapter left, but I have to keep this short and sweet. In addition, this chapter definitely adds dimension to Ezra and Francesca's relationship. For instance, as much as Ezra is a gentleman, he too falls to vulnerability. 」

e l e v e n

My apologies, for I have indulged in lust,
Regrettably, you let me love you,
Could you look at me with eyes new,
Hopefully, I have not disbanded all trust.

She was in my arms, the warmth of her body dispelling the cold of mine. Through the curtains sunlight shined through, indicating morning had come before we could even realize it. Francesca lay beside me, her breaths hardly audible and her hair disheveled. The way the sunlight shined on her made her look angelic. If she was an angel then who was I?

Somewhere while I was consumed by love its renowned friend lust appeared, in which I fell susceptible to. Taking things slow was always of my better intentions, however, I couldn't always reference logic when circumstances arose. In all truth I did not act solely based on momentary lust, it was my love for her that influenced my decision to further explore our relationship. Francesca complied and returned every kiss, only accepting my deep devotion to her and returning it two-fold. Unlike Francesca's previous relationship, the physical aspect of Francesca and I's relationship wouldn't define it, but rather it would enhance it. And waking up next to her only made me smile more, for she had a face I could never look at with distaste.

My right hand was perched on her side, holding her tight and close to me. The moment I moved it she began to stir, moving around until she found her way back into my embrace. I simply smiled and stayed in bed, looking over at her with a grin.

"I love you so," I whispered, although I was aware that she couldn't hear me.

I loved her, I truly did, The romantic within me in that moment said that I would always love her.

There's a common misconception with love, love has no monetary value and isn't reflected by material goods. But rather, love is conveyed through language and sentiment. Actions in a fair amount of cases do speak louder than words, moments of true intimacy an expression of love that heightens the experience of being in love.

Francesca made a soft groan that interrupted my thoughts, the sunlight finally proving to bother her. She blinked her eyelids, smiling as she woke up next to me.

"Good morning, ma chérie," I said, returning her smile and proceeding in give her a kiss on her forehead.

"Buongiorno," she replied, greeting me in Italian in response to my French.

We stared at one another, neither of us moving an inch. The moment was far too perfect for us to move away from it. I could stare at her in awe for a lifetime and I hoped that I would have the chance to.

"Thank you, Ezra" Francesca whispered, breaking the silence.

"For what?" I replied, still gazing at her.

"For everything," she explained slowly, "and especially for showing me that love still exists and is possible for me."

I placed my right arm on her side, pulling her a bit closer to me gently. Every word she said meant the world to me.

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