Chapter 3

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It's been two months after they met and she feels comfortable around him and she happy that she's found someone who isn't going to leave her as she has not pushed him away which is really surprising because normally by now she would have started pushing him away and shutting him out but surprisingly she's not I've never thought to see that the day to where this would happen she's actually happy for once in her life through all the things she's been through she's actually not thinking about hurting or killing herself cause before she saw him that's all that she thought about but now he is all that she thinks of its like they know each other but in a different universe that's what it seems but she doesn't remember anything from her past so how would she be able know who he truly was she's doesn't know nothing from her past all she knows was that everyone left her and nobody stuck around her all she knows is that she's been dissed her whole life she never expected anyone to not leave her that's why she's so happy with him he was the only thing that put a smile on her face day in and day out since she met him before she met him you never saw her smile she never spoke she never did anything before he came into the picture

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