• chapter 1 •

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Amalia's P.O.V:
                 9:07 a.m the alarm clock reads. My eyes widen and I jump out of bed. I run into the bathroom and quickly put my hair into two braids, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I then dart into my room and grab my outfit which consists of a tribal print crop top, high waisted shorts, and black vans. I grab my car keys and phone and dart toward the door. I get in the car until I realize I forgot the present. I run back inside, grab the bag, the return to the car. I back out of the driveway and start playing some music. I sang along and danced until I made it to a gas station. I got my gas then as I was about to leave, my phone began to buzz.
"Catalina would like to FaceTime "
I answer and Cat squeals as soon as she gets on.
"Cat are you guys at the airport yet?" I nervously ask
"Yeah. Are you still coming to surprise Mario? And you're bringing Gracie too, right?" She asks.
"Gracie! Yeah, right. I'll be there soon Cat. Byeee"
"Mother Trucker" I mumble
I pull out of the gas station and start driving to Gracie's house. As soon as I pull up in her driveway I honk the horn until she comes out.
She walks out in almost the same clothes as me, except she's wearing heels.
"Is this beech really wearing heels? I hope she-"
"Hey Amalia!" She says as she gets in the car.
"Hey!" I say
She buckles in and I back out of the driveway. On our way to the airport we talk about tons of things. Pizza, Drake, Starbucks, Kylie Jenner Lip Kits, and much more.
I pull up to the airport and luckily find a parking space that isn't 50,000,000 miles away. I grab the bag of presents out of the back and lock the car. We walk inside and go to the section that the boys and Cat will be coming out of. We sit there for about 10 more minutes until we see them. I can tell by his smile and the hair flip that it was him. Mario spots us and stars running toward us. I stand up, ready for him to run up to me and hug me, but he doesn't. He goes straight to Gracie. My heart just dropped a million levels. They talk for a minute and Mario turns to me.
"Hello there Amalia." He says and winks.
I laugh and he pulls me into a hug.
Ugh he gives the best hugs ever. I could stay like this all day.
"Amalia!" He says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh yeah, um I got you this" I say and hand him the bag.
"You didn't have to get me anything!" He says and begins to open the bag
"OH MY GOSH. NO WAY" He says
"What is it?" Cat asks
He pulls out all of the bags of candy I got him.
"Look at the bottom of the Starbucks gift card" I say
He flips over the car and sees an iTunes gift card taped to the other side.
"I love this so much. Thank you. I love you." He says and pulls me into a hug.
"I love you too. I mean uh. Yeah" I nervously say.
He laughs and keeps hugging me
"Okay love birds let's move along shall we" Jovani laughs.
"Oh are you guys going to the party at Yasmin's house?" Gracie asks
"Oops." She says and we all laugh
"Just act surprised" I laugh
We all make our ways out to the car and ubers and go back to yasmin's house.
We walk up onto the porch and knock. There is no reply so we open the door and let the guys and Cat go in first
"WELCOME HOME!" Everyone in the house yells.
"Yasmin you did this for us? That's amazing thank you so much!" Cat says
"Okay which one of you told them." Yasmin says
Gracie looks away and scratches the back of her head and we all laugh.
"Well Julian you better thank your girlfriend." Jonas says and Julian blushes
"Thanks babe" Julian says and hugs and kisses Yasmin.

--------- a few hours later ------------
"Oh I have you beat" I laugh
"No you don't. I can twerk far better than you." Mario says
"We're gonna countdown from 3. MK do you wanna do the countdown?" Jovani asks
"Okay get ready. 3.2.1." MK says
"TWERK" Jovani yells
"Mario why do you look like Egor trying to do a runway walk while singing Wrecking Ball?" Julian laughs
"Where did that come from?" Yasmin giggles
"He's a goon Yas, what do you expect?" MK laughs
They both stop twerking and Jovani walks up to them. He stands in between them and grabs both of their wrists.
"Who votes for Amalia?" He asks
*everyone cheers*
"Okay,okay. Who votes for Mario?"
*everyone cheers*
"Sorry guys but I have to give it to Mario! SIKE! Amalia wins!" Julian laughs and raises my hand in the air.
"She only won because she's such a babe okay?" He says and puts his arm around me. I look over and MK is smirking at me. I glare at her and then look up at Mario.
"What are you looking at?" Mario smiles
"Your beautiful face. I mean smile. I mean..uh" I say and look down and blush.
He lifts my chin up so I look at him.
"You have a beautiful face and a beautiful smile too." He says
"GUYS COME HERE WE HAVE AN IDEA" Yasmin yells from the living room
"COMING" I shout back.
"Well let's go" Mario laughs.
We walk to the living room and we sit down on the floor next to Cat and Julian.
"Okay so we all talked and we were think about...going on a vacation! We all would pitch in on the trip and we would be able to travel all across the world! What do you guys think?" Yasmin says
Mario and I look at each other.
"I'm in" Mario says
"What about you Amalia?" Yasmin asks
The room gets quiet for a second
"Let's do this!" I say and we all cheer and laugh.

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