Rian Dawson,My BOYFRIEND?

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When I realized that my mom and dad and sister we're never coming back from the "market" I grabbed my torn up ruined drumsticks. Grabbed my wallet which had 49.84 dollars. Packed a few clothes and set out. You see when your 15,your name is Allison Taylor,and you can survive 2 years on your on in New York for 2 years,life sucks. I knew how to play drums so it was good. So i could play ont he sidewalk and shit like that I got money.

" Your good" A guy said as I was just tapping on the sidewalk to "Time Bomb"By All Time Low. I looked up. I was tired and freezing,Well it is Decmember...

"Um thanks"I said groggily.

"Hey are you ok?"He asked as I coughed,actually hacked. I had the flu or something..

" Just a little sick" I answer and whiped my nose of my sleeve.

"Come with me."He said and put his hand.

"Your-Your-"I said..

"Rian Dawson? Ya"He laughed. I just smiled. He was one of my favorite drummers.

"No scream?No "OH MY GOD! ITS RIAN DAWSON!"He screamed.

"SH!" Some old lady siad harsly.

"Sorry Madam" I asnwered. I knew french all to well (A/N I am actually failing French with a 64 Hhahahah)

"Come on...?"He said..

"Allison Taylor." I answered between sniffles and shivering.

"Here take this"He said slipping off his coat.

"No,don't"I said.

"No take it" He said slipping it over my shoulders.

"Thanks"I muttered coughing.We walked about 5 blocks till we came up to The Harrison hotel,most expansive hotel in New York.

"What?"I nearly screetched. I rubbed my throat.

"Sh" He said covering my mouth with his hand. I sighd and walked with him into the hotel. A sudden gusht over warmness covered my body and I could feel my fingers again.

"Here"I said giving his jacket back,well pretty much chucking it at him. opps?

" Strong arm you got there"He muttered. We stepped into th elevator. I smiled at all the new surrounding around me.

"Um,you ok?"He asked.

"I've never been in a elevator. My family left me when I was 13"I said looking down. He put his arm on ym shoulder. The elevator rung and we stepped out. We walked down the hallway til we got to room 315 a friken sweet! I could hear


"ya ya,whatever"

and a

"WHO WANTS TO PLAY FUSEBALL" Rian opened the door to 3 retards playing COD.

"Give me a remote"I muttered sitting down next to a guy with brownish hair.

"Here Rian-"

"Your not Rian!"He seemed scared.

"Glad you know that I'm not a guy" I answered. Alex! Lead singer of All Time Low

"Whatd you do to Rian?!"They all yelled at me.

"I'm right here" Rian said coming out of nowhere.

"This is Allison. I saw her playing Drums a couple days ago at the park. Shes awesome" He smiled.

"You did?"Alex,Jack,Zack and I asked astonished. Then I remembered. He was the guy who gave me a $10 bill on Saturday.

" Yup"He laughed.

" Look,shes kicking yours guys ass!"He laugh. I was compltely engrossed in this game. I killed their characters and beat Zack's high level.

"BITCH OWNED!"I jumped up laughing not feeling at all embarssed. They all laughed.

" So,want to show us of you are on the drums?"Rian asked me. I turned around. I pulled out a pair of drumsticks and walked pver to the drum set in the far left corner.

"Play Time-Bomb"Alex said,lead singer.

"I will play "sets" you know,when you play every note up and down"I asnwered explaining.

"I can't even play sets!" Rian exclamied

"Anything a boy can do a girl can do better"I asnwered smiling. They all stared at me and I started playing. After a bout 15 minutes I got stopped.

"Sorry,I've never played a real drumset before.. I just got caught up in the moment"I said apolgetic.

"Why are you sorry?! That was amazing!"Rian exclaimed.

"It was?"Alex,Jack and Zack asked.They knew nothing about drums.

"Yes! Yes it was!"Rian said coming over to me and taking me by my hands and picking me up and jumping in circles saying "Yay yay yay yay"over and over again.

"Welcome to ATL,you can help Rian tune,and play better" Alex said.

"You can barely even play guitar,fat pieace of shit"Rian said laughing,everyone started laughing.

"I play guitar,bas,electric,acoustic,everything and I also sing a little" I answered


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