Chapter 1- Weak Bars and Reunion

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Heya! This is my first fanfic so please don't judge my work! Thank you!
Oh and btw this fanfic includes cussing, blood, most likely sexual themes idk I gotta see where this story is going first😂😂😂
Italics represent readers thoughts. ok? ok.❤️~

The night was full sounds of silence and the gentle wind. You were captured in Nassau while you and the rest of the crew were being attacked by Spanish soldiers. Now it's been five years ever since that dreadful event. Currently in your bed of hay in the cell that has become somewhat of a home to you, you wondered what awaited beyond these bars. The crew? They probably have gave up searching for you a whole while ago. Your lover?

"Mary." You whispered.

Mary Read the woman who had the guise of James Kidd and who you had devoted your life to ever since you had joined the Jackdaw crew. You wondered if she's forgotten. No, Mary ...isn't like that. Or was she? Did she change over the years? Doubt it. But what if she did?
Thoughts ran in your mind about this woman and began to make your heart race and for the first time in a while, ever since you became emotionaless from being in this hellhole for so long, you cried. You cried not only for Mary but you cried for the loneliness, you cried for the scars that were given to you from whippings of torture, you cried for the thrill of a wild chase of a pirate, you cried for your so called "life".

Something had interrupted your mourning though. It was a hard bang against the wall and the fall of a guard. You ran to your cell window to see what the meaning of all this was. The Jackdaw was the first thing your eyes laid upon.

"Well,well, well, if it isn't Y/N L/N, it's about time you stopped hiding from us."

You turned around to see that same devious flirt you had missed all these years. The infamous Edward Kenway.
When both you and Edward exited the jail you found the fort in flames with several corpses that lay defeated on the ground along with surviving crew members that fought soldiers till their dying breath. Then there was Adèwale in the distance fighting with two French thrust swords along with a new face with reddish locks and flowers in her hair.
Well, where's my cutlass? You thought as a evil smirk crossed your lips. A gleeful cheer interfered with your thoughts and you realized that the crew of the Jackdaw indeed slaughtered every single soldier.

"We need to hurry and leave, now. It won't be long till more of the navy notices the flames from afar."

"Dammit Kenway, the fun was just getting started!" You yelled lightheartedly. A cheer then followed from the rest of the crew.

"Aye lass and there is more yet to come, but-"
"But, someone has been waiting for almost too long."

There was a pause.

You chuckled a little when you heard that voice before turning around to face him with tears swelling in your eyes.

"James Kidd" You whispered
"That be me" He whispered back. Before you know it you're in each other's arms and holding on like there's no such thing as time anymore, inhaling each others' scent and you could've sworn you saw tears running down James's cheek as well. All that time and he never, ever, not even once, forgot about his beloved Y/N.

"Well, I hate to interrupt the moment between you two lovebirds but we really do need to get going."  The redhead said looking at the naval ships coming from the horizon.

" Let's save this moment for later lass,"
"Maybe later we can make it more 'special'. "  James whispered into your ear with an suductive grin.
"Maybe so..." You replied stealing his cutlass and walking away rather proudly.

"You know, it's been quite awhile since a had one of these in my hand!"  You called back to him.

"Five years lassie, five years."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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