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"Stiles you have to come with me and Isaac to this new club they open" Scott said standing up from a chair "I don't know Scott remember the last time I went with you guys to a club" Stiles said rubbing the back of his head "I got grounded for 3 months" Stiles said "I know but we don't" Scott got caught off by Isaac "we, well excuse me" Isaac said "well I didn't wanted you to be all alone come on it would be fun" Scott said grabbing Stiles by his arm and pulling him up from the couch "fine, but you own me" Stiles said grabbing a hoodie and walking with Isaac and Scott to Stiles jeep and turning the engine on "where's this club you say" stiles asked Scott "oh turn left here" Scott said and Stiles took a left turn "here" Scott pointed to a huge building.


the three friends enter the club but Stiles was on his cellphone "Dude this is awesome" Scott said as he saw all the waiters that were wearing tight underwear, a tall white man with hazel eyes and dark hair walk to Stiles waiting for Stiles to notice him "Dude you should just" Scott was yelling since the music was too loud "oh for gods sake" Isaac said grabbing Stiles cheek making him look towards the waiter slash stripper "wh-" Stiles was muttering "let me show you to your table" the waiter said grabbing Stiles hand and sliding it under his underwear and walking away with Stiles to a table "my names Derek" Derek said grabbing a marker that was on the table and handing it to Stiles "what's this for" Stiles yelled so Derek would hear him "if you want anything you write it" Derek yelled back smirking "but there's no paper" Stiles yelled looking for paper "I know" Derek said walking closely to Stiles pushing him so he will sit down, Stiles face was so red "So do you want anything" Derek asked Stiles smirking "you" Stiles yelled "I mean a shot of tequila sounds good" Stiles yelled rubbing his back of his head "okay" Derek said sitting on Stiles lap facing him face to face "write it" Derek said with a cocky smile "wh-what" Stiles muttered "write it so I don't forget about it" Derek said opening the marker for Stiles "sure" Stiles said grabbing the marker and writing tequila on Derek's abs "be right back" Derek said pushing himself forward to Stiles neck and kissing him and the standing up leaving Stiles speechless "told you, you'll like it" Scott yelled to Stiles laughing "oh shut up" Stiles said looking at Derek's ass while he was walking away "I'm going to get us some shots" Isaac said standing up and walking to the bar.


"Yo Derek it's almost showtime have you pick someone to you know on stage" a fellow stripper asked Derek while pouring tequila on a shot glass "yeah Ethan I got one" Derek said grabbing the glass and walking away to Stiles table "here you go" Derek said handing Stiles shot "thanks" Stiles said drinking his shot "I have a surprise for you so you better be at front of that stage" Derek yelled to Stiles with a smile "sure" Stiles with a smile on his face he stood up "when's the show going to start" Stiles whisper to Derek's ear "in 20 minutes" Derek whispered back "but in the meantime" Derek said smirking and pulling Stiles to the dance floor "we dance" Derek yelled starting to dance "oh yeah why not" Stiles said dancing they were very close to each other "I need to get ready my friend is already signaling me that it's show time, see you in the front" Derek asked Stiles with a smirk "I'll start walking there right now" Stiles said walking away to the stage and Derek walking toward Ethan "dude that's your guy" Ethan asked Derek "yeah something wrong" Derek said drinking a shot that was at the bar next to them "no not at all" Ethan said walking backstage "goodnight everybody" a man on the stage was speaking on the microphone "tonight there are going to be some special people brought to this very stage and for tonight's special performance"all the lights turned off "enjoy" genuwine pony started playing and the lights flashed to the stage in the middle was Derek and in triangle formation there where other guys as they all started dancing sexually they started walking to the corners where the person that they where going to pick was Derek saw Stiles and slide on his knees in front of Stiles and grabbed his hands and slide them on his rock hard abs and then pulling Stiles to the stage "are you ready" Derek whispered in Stiles ear "I...um-" Stiles was shocked he couldn't even talk when he manage to put his words together he was push gently to a chair that someone brought in the stage as the song went by Derek was giving Stiles a lap dance Stiles hand were just hanging side ways when Derek grabbed them and put them on his own waist "better" Derek yelled to Stiles still dancing "y-yeah...sure w-why not" Stiles was muttering but in the meantime Stiles got Shute boner for Derek making Stiles pre-cum in his underwear "dang you have a big one" Derek said standing up and carrying Stiles laying him on the floor and grinding on Stiles when the song stopped the lights turned off and same as the party music that played automatically "had fun" Derek said breathing heavily "I...um-I don't have words" Stiles said blushing and trying to hide his boner "between you and me" Derek whispered "I got one too" Derek said grabbing Stiles hand and sliding it under Derek's back pocket on his black jeans walking off stage.

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