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Stiles woke up in the morning in a big sized bed only wearing a big shirt and his underwear "w-what the" Stiles said rubbing his eyes and yawning, Stiles stood up and walked downstairs confused Stiles was admiring the loft before he went to the kitchen "you must be Stiles" a man opened a door stepping face to face with Stiles "I'm Peter, Derek's uncle" Peter said grabbing Stiles hand and shaking it "Derek's at the kitchen" Peter said pointing to away to were Stiles was going "y-yeah I know I was just...um looking for the bathroom" Stiles said muttering some words "well then you're lucky that I just got out" Peter said opening the door behind him "it's there a new toothbrush you know that hasn't been used" Stiles asked Peter "yeah in the left drawer close to the wall" Peter said "oh and careful of what you see because mine are in my room" Peter said laughing and walking away "what does he" Stiles closed the door and opened the drawer and saw XXL Condoms "Holy sh-" Stiles grabbed the toothbrush that was still on its package and slam the drawer "that must be just to impress...I mean can someone be that" Stiles opened the toothbrush still talking to himself "nah" Stiles ignored the condoms and brushed his teeth, Stiles allied out of the bathroom and went right to the kitchen "morning" Derek said turning around holding a frying pan that had pancakes "first what am I wearing, second can someone be that big and third morning to you too" Stiles said freaked out and sitting on the dining room "I told you you'll find something in those drawers" Peter said taking a bite of his pancakes "what are you talking about" Derek said handing Stiles a plate with 4 pancakes and bacon on the side with orange juice "and your cloths were all bloody so I changed you" Derek said sitting down and starting eating "the XXL Condoms explain" Stiles said still freaked out "oh yeah someone can be that big" Derek said smirking and eating some more pancakes "holy shit" Stiles said to himself "well this is awkw-" Stiles got caught off by the sound of his phone ringing "I got to take this" Stiles aid standing up and walking far away from the table so they won't hear the conversation "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU STILES" John said over the phone furious "I-I'm at a fri-friends house" Stiles answered his father looking at the table and then to a wall "YOU YOU ARE GROUNDED WHEN YOU GET HERE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" John yelled "dad I'm okay you don't have to worry about me I'm 17 okay so please I'm fine don't worry" Stiles said trying to calm his father "STILES I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE 17 YOU CAN'T STAY AT A FRIENDS HOUSE AND NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT" John said "dad I literally told you I was going to be late since there was traffic" Stiles said looking at the table waving to signal that everything was okay even though it wasn't "STILES IT WAS ONE IN THE MORNING THERE IS NO TRAFFIC ANYWHERE" John said angrily slamming his car door "when you get home young man you are grounded" John said hanging up "da-dad, hello" Stiles looked at his phone and saw that his dad hung up, Stiles walked to the table "I-i got to go my dad it's worried about me a-and he's freaking out so thanks for everything oh and Derek" Stiles looked at Derek "two things come with me please" Stiles said walking away as Derek followed behind "yeah stiles" Derek said "first thanks for everything breakfast and all and second where are my cloths" Stiles said with a small smile "hey no problem and here" Derek said handling Stiles cloths "I'm going to change and I'll give you you're shirt back" Stiles said turning around opening the bathroom door "keep it" Derek said smiling and walking to the table, Stiles blushed and closed the door changing into his cloths "nice young man" Peter said drinking his coffee "stay away Peter" Derek said jealous "why he's not yours besides let's see who he chooses" Peter said finishing his coffee "I'm goi-" Derek stopped talking when Stiles walked out of the bathroom "goodbye guys see ya when" Stiles stopped talking "I'll see you at your club Derek when I'm ungrounded" Stiles said leaving and walking to his jeep and driving to his house.


John arrived at his house at twelve in the morning seeing Stiles sitting on the table eating dinner "hey dad" Stiles said with his mouth a little full "what were you thinking huh? Do you think you just can stay the night out? I am" John said furious "dad it was just one night beside I didn't do anything wrong I was just out with friends" Stiles said calmly "you're grounded you are grounded until you turned 18" John said throwing his keys to the table "dad that's next year it was just one night I won't do it again" Stiles said getting up frustrated and walking face to face with his father "NO Stiles I tough we trusted each other you know" John said trying to be the adult figure "don't you trust me" Stiles said sad "be-because mom would have trusted me" Stiles said "Stiles I- I" John got cut off "no that's alright" Stiles looked down and walked fast to his room shutting his door and laying on the bed throwing all the stuff that was on it to the wall quickly falling asleep.


Stiles woke up late his father was already working he didn't went to school Stiles grabbed his phone and saw 18 missed calls from Scott, Stiles stood up and walked downstairs grabbing a mug and pouring some coffee on it Stiles phone rang "hey Scott" Stiles answered "yo Stiles what happen where are you man" Scott asked Stiles "oh I'm at my house I'm not going to school today" Stiles replied grabbing some berries that were on the fridge "oh okay man see ya tomorrow if you decide to come" Scott said hanging up, Stiles walked up to his room and closed the door and laid on his bed.


"Yo Scott is Stiles okay" Isaac asked Scott "yeah he's just not feeling right" Scott replied walking to a class room "I'll see you later okay?" Scott said "sure bye" Isaac kissed Scott and walked to his classroom, before Scott entered the classroom the pager turned on "Scott McCall please report to the principals office" the pager turned off "I'll be right back" Scott said walking away to the principals office. At the principals office Scott sat down and waited for the principal but instead he saw a tall man familiar looking "are you Scott, Scott McCall" Derek asked "yep that's me who are you" Scott asked Derek "Derek I need a favor from you" Derek closed the door "do you know where Stiles Stilinski lives" Derek looked at Scott "yeah it's really close why" Scott asked Derek "I need his house address I was suppose to meet him somewhere but then he told me to go to his house and I don't know the address and I've been trying to call him but he doesn't pick up" Derek lied just to know where Stiles live since he doesn't know anything "here" Scott handed Derek a pice of paper with Stiles home address "thank you I owe you one" Derek said opening the door "wait I want tickets" Scott said "wh-what" Derek said looking at Derek "tickets for tomorrow you know to enter" Scott said smiling "I'll get you in from the back" Derek said running to his car and driving to Stiles house.


Derek arrived at Stiles house and saw a window Derek climbed to the window and saw Stiles playing with some ball hi was throwing at the wall Derek knocked on the window, Stiles turned around and saw Derek "what the hell are you doing" Stiles said walking to his window and opening it "what the...why are you here" Stiles asked Derek stepping aside so he can entered "I wanted to see you since you know all that happened" Derek said closing the window "how did you found me" Stiles was very confused "you're friend Scott he gave me your house address" Derek said "oh i guess I have to have a serious talk with Scott and you can't be here my dad will kill you" Stiles said "no he won't, come on let's go" Derek said opening the window "go go where I am grounded you fool" Stiles said sitting down "so you'll be here when before your father gets home" Derek said "and where are we going exactly" Stiles asked "and why would I go I just met you yesterday and you put a big shirt on me" Stiles said "really the shirt again" Derek was still convincing Stiles to go with him it was already noon and the sheriff hasn't been home yet. Stiles phone rang "oh it's you why would you give my house address to a stranger" Stiles said to Scott over the phone "stranger? He told me he knew you well that's not the point Isaac and I we are going to the club again come with us" Scott said giving Isaac a helmet "dude I am grounded" Stiles said "dude come on it will be fun" Scott said "I'll think about it" Stiles hung up "where exactly are we going" Stiles said looking at Derek "just trust me" Derek said stepping outside standing on the roof putting his hand out so Stiles could grab it "I'm not nine" Stiles sarcastically said stepping out and jumping down "okay" Derek said climbing down.

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