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I slowly opened my eyes to reveal that i have been tied to a chair. My arms tied to the chair arms and my legs to the 2 front legs of the chair. And im in some sort of basement room thing.... not suprised really as thats what would probaly happen if you have been kidnapped. My eyes adjust to the darkness and i look around. This room is literally a box. I turn my head to see a small staircase leading up to a door that probaly, obviously leads to a house. I struggle a bit to see if they accidently tied me down to loose or something. Nope, of course they wouldn't. I tried to stand up with the chair, byt the chair began to fall forward so i decide not to cus its just going to make the situation worse. Shall i scream? But that might tell them that im awake and i dont want to know what they will do to me... actually, Candise try check your body. I look down at my jogging bottoms and hoodie, then with my hand and my mouth, i bend down and pulled my hoodie up with my top underneath. Omgosh. I look to the left of wear my stomach is and see purple, black, and green coloured bruise thats big. They must have hit me real hard. Fuck its painful. But so is my leg... i look down to see a motherfucking stab wound. Like wtf would i do to you in my sleep to make you stab me in the thigh!!!??? Im just going to wait for something to happen..... or i could scream, but i always make bad choices so i dont trust myself, and thats why im scared of everything basically. I going to do it. Maybe they are out. Maybe someones in. Well, lets find out. I take in a deep breath and scream help at the top off my voice... nothing, no sounds no movement. They are out. Fuck. I going to starve im so hungary. I suddenly hear the door creak open behind me, so stupid me i look back. All 4 if them coming down the stairs, with guns again, make there way, again, towards me. Oh shit i should not have screamed. Bad choice, bad choice, bad choice. I jump at the feeling of a big hand rest on my shoulder and a gun to the other side of my head. I close my eyes really tight and prepare myself mentally before i die...
"Whats your name princess?" I cringe at the word princess, but relise its the same person who said it who rugby tackled me, well, when, i dont know how long i have been out for. Shit.
"I asked you a question" i feel his grip on my shoulder tighten. I have to say it ohterwiae they will probaly shoot me. Ok, here it goes,
"Candise" I said trying to keep my voice steady so i dont look scared, but no shit im fucking pissing my pants right now like wouldent everybody though?
"Do you know why your here?" He asked again. Now two of them were standing in front of me and two behind. The one im familiar with still had his hand on my shoulder and a gun to my head.
Did i mention that i have attitude problems.
"Well first how the fuck am i meant to know why i am here, and second u havent introduced yourselves yet so why dont you do that cos i would like to know too!" I yelled at them. Shit. I also have a thing were i forget to think before i say. Bad choices. Thats what they say i do in the orphanage. Ugh im so stupid im going to get myself killed here.
"So you wanna know who we are, well fine, ur choice"
I hear them all laugh
"Something funny!?" I asked
"Slow down with the attitude princess or you going to get yourself killed" he warned
"Im not your motherfucking princess, just take off your masks!" I raised my voice
The familiar boy that has been talkin to me all this time leaned down to my ear and whispered,
"We're the kings here so why dont you be our princess?"
Ugh that smirk, i just knew he was smirking.
"Boyys" he said
They all began to take off there mask. Shit im actually fucked this time kill me omg help!! James, Tate, Nate, Danny were all standing in front off me. I let in a small gasp. They were the drug dealers. Worlds best actually. Girls would kill for them. They killed my perants. I sit in the chair speachless. I feel my salty tears run down my bloody face from my nose bleed.
They all started laughing. James was the leader of them. He had his black hood up with his browny blondy hair out the front pointing to the sky it. His hair sticking out the front was at least like, 3 cm high or something, and all scruffy and fluffy, also his jaw line was on point. Nate. Nate had dark brown hair. Really short all around but then on top it was longer, and again the jaw line. Danny always loved his snapback (i know all this because i used to be best friends with them while my parents were dealing and they always protected me from drugs getting near me as i was really little then. They also used to have to protect me from hating girls as they were all jelous even though i was ten years old, crazy right? Anyway they used to be my only bestfriends until they killed my perants and orphanage took me away) Back to danny, he loved his snapback and always wore it backwards with his curly brown hair sticking out the sides of the hat, aaaaaand the jaw line. Then theres tate, he had blonde hair that reached down just above his ears, and the jaw line, for the 10000th time. Thats another reason why the girls loved them. Im 14 now and when i was 10 they were all around 14 so now they are all around 18 or something now.
I relise im still crying cos im going to die. James has been talking to me all this time. Something did sound familiar. James walked over to and crouched down in front of me. He put his left hand on my thigh and his right hand on my face and wiped away the tears with his thumb,
"Dont cry, princess" he said trying to emphasise the word princess
"We're not going to hurt you" he smirked. They all smirked. Shit.
"Well why did you kidnapp me then!?" I raised my voice. I also have anger management.
"We dident kidnpp you, we just, took you home"
Home. They want me back. I used to live with them as they dident want me to get hurt but when they killed my perants i ran away, police found me, and i was put in the orphanage.

"Candise, remember when you lived with us.... you were away from all the drugs, we killed them because they were bad parents, they dident love you, you were an accident Candise, and thats why we are here, we love you and we are your family" Danny explained
"But now i have been kidnapped and is being forced to live with the drug dealers" i whispered still crying from shock. They say that there not going to hurt me, and they know i have no money to pay off what my parents owed and they are, well were my best friends so i guess im ok??? Oh god why is it always me,me,me,me,me.
"If we un-tie you, you promise you won't run?" Tate said making his way over with a knife he pulled out from his trouser. James got up and joined the others, leaning against the wall in front if me. By now i had calmed down and stopped crying.
"No" i said, my voice a bit croaky from crying so much
Tate started cutting the rope. I had marks from were it rope burn me. I get up off the chair, but i forgot about my stabb wound (or it could have been a gun) and i fell on my back, great, juust great.
"Can i ask when i was shot in the leg or stabbed!?" I asked trying not to shout with anger. Nate bent down and picked me up bridle style. Criinngge!!
"Oh yer i accidently shot you while you were asleep" Danny explained. One of nates arms was under my leg and the other around my neck. My two arms were clinging onto his shoulders as i didn't want to fall. How can you shoot me, like if your going to do it get it over with quick. My period cramps were making me really angry and danny was all casual about "accidentally" shooting me, it hurt soo bad so by now i was fuming with anger...
"HOW CAN YOU FUCKING SHOOT SOMEONE BY ACCIDENT, IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED WITH MY FUCKING PARENTS, OH WAIR THEY DIDENT LOVE ME SO LETS SHOOT THEM, NO, CUS THEY WERE THE ONLY PEOPLE I HAD LEFT IN THIS MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!!!" i had completely lost it. The last few words nate had covered my mouth with his big hand. My leg hurt like hell so i was already pissed (and i was on my period so that dident help) Tate and James stopped in the doorframe at the top of the stairs stairing at me. So was Danny. Oh shit. I struggled out if nates arms and leant against the closest wall. I was breathing heavily. I heard footsteps behing me.
"Just kill me already" i whispered
Oh my lord that hurt. They stabbed me again with the needle they drugged me again. I know they dont want to kill me or hurt me but i just wanted to be dead....


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