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         Roy followed Emily into a nearby shop. He didn't give it much thought, until he stepped through the door. 

        Pink filled the place. From the curtains of the windows to the walls of the whole shop, they were all pink. Even most of the clothes they sold were pink. 

       "Pink," he muttered to himself, "All pink."

       A female worker walked over to them. After looking sideways at stuttering Roy, she came to the conclusion it would be wise to talk to the girl instead. 

     "Hello, and welcome to Justine's. Is there anything you want me to help you with?"she asked Emily. 

      "Hi! I'm Emi--"

     "Pink. Everywhere," Roy gasped for breath. "How will I ever show myself to the face of the world with pride now?" 

       Roy reached and grabbed hold of the worker's shoulders. "Just look at my beautiful face." He pointed. "Why must my years be shortened by this. .. .shop?!" The woman looked at him in disdain.

      Emily was mortified. She separated Roy from the woman, glared at him, and without another thought, dragged him away.

       Roy and Emily soon disappeared into the large mass of pink. 

        "Junkai, it's morning!" his dad called from downstairs.

       Junkai groaned and pulled the covers closer to his neck, eyes closed. 

       "Wake up!"

       Junkai snapped his eyes open irritably. In slow movements, he pushed himself up and slipped his feet into his navy blue slippers. There was a pitter patter as he pulled himself downstairs with difficulty. 

       "Good morning," his dad greeted while using a spatula to flip the pancakes.

      "Morning," Junkai said flatly. His dad looked at him once but ignored it for the time being.  He carried the pancakes to the kitchen counter, pulled a stool, and sat down. 

       Junkai took the maple sauce and a fork, and started eating.

      His father stopped himself for a moment,  then seemed to make up his mind. "Are you-- alright these days, son?" When Junkai didn't answer, he continued. "Is this about the Fiona girl, because if it is--" 

     Junkai cut him off. "So what if it is?" Junkai accused. "What are you going to do about it?" 

      "She made your mother--"

      "No,"Junkai said, his tone final. He put down his fork and left the room, slinging a jacket on as he went. 

       "Where are you going?" Junkai turned and looked back levelly at his demanding father.

       "Anywhere, as long as it's not here," Junkai replied and slammed the door shut. 

      Roy rubbed his temple while he sat on the small wooden chair. He stared at the dressing panel where Emily was and tapped his foot impatiently.

       "Ready?" Roy asked.

       "Wait--" she called. Roy looked away and sighed. After a few moments, the girl finally stepped out. Roy looked back at her and stared. It was a green dress that ended in striped ruffles. The top of the dress was simple, but elegant. 

        It fit her.

     "Well?" she panted.

     He was still staring at her, he realized. He shuddered a bit. "I guess-- I guess it's alright," he stammered. 

     "Only alright?" Emily asked, her eyes dubious. Her lips spread in a frown. "Okay, I'll try again then--"

     "No!" Roy jumped up and stopped her with his hand. "No-- what I mean is. . . it's perfect." Emily's eyes lit up. 


     Roy nodded. "Really." 

     Emily squealed and wrapped her arms around Roy. His eyes widened. 

   "Thank you," she said. Roy smiled hesitantly, awkwardly. Then before he knew it, she had slipped past him with her bag, leaving him in the pink shop. He stared at his hands. What was wrong with him? Why did he suddenly feel. . . lonely?

      In a daze, he finally saw him. Junkai. He scrambled out of the shop in desperation, looking for Emily.

     "Emily!" he called. "Emily!" She was going to be rejected. "Emily!" 

      He saw her. . . and Junkai. 


        "Ahhh!" Emily screeched as all the contents of her bag spilled onto the brick sidewalk. 

         "I'm so sorry! Here," he crouched down and picked up her keys. She snatched it and stuffed it in her bag. Just like that, the her bag was safe and sound again. 

         "Oh wait-- there's one more," the boy said. She and the boy reached for it at the same time.

          Their hands brushed. 

          They finally raised their eyes to look at each other. The boy flinched in recognition, and so did the girl.

        "Oh, it's you Junkai! Hi! " Emily greeted then frowned as he realized his black bangs had overgrown again. Now they covered his eyes. Oh no, not his beautiful orbs and pretty, long eyelashes. She bit her lip and pushed back some of the stray strands. 

       "Thank you," he murmured in a soft voice. With her cheeks red, she quickly dropped her hands to her sides.

        "Any time," she whispered. Junkai turned away from her. 

       "Oh! By the way, do you like my dress?" She twirled around excitedly.

         He looked back at her. A weak smile spread on his face. "It's beautiful," he said simply.

         Emily blushed again, this time with a redder hue. "Why? Why are you acting so nice to me today?"Junkai didn't answer. His mind was elsewhere.

        "Junkai?" Emily asked while tugging a lock of her hair. 

        Junkai suddenly looked up at her. "Oh, I'm sorry, what? What did you say?" 

       "Nothing," Emily answered dejectedly. 

        There was an awkward silence. "Do I look beautiful?"

        Junkai squinted his eyes, looked her up and down, and smiled. "You've always looked beautiful." 

        She sucked in her breath. 

       Roy stared at her. No. He rushed out of the shop and sprinted towards her and Junkai--

      "Do you-- like anyone at the moment?" she squeezed out. Roy shut his eyes. Too late.

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