connor franta he cheats pt. 2

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*y/n pov*
I woke up in a white room with bright lights. I looked around but didn't see anyone I knew. I saw a woman walk through the door. I knew that was my mother. She smiled at me. I tried to smile but my jaw hurt. I just looked down. I felt something in my left hand. I looked over and saw a REALLY cute boy.

  He had light brown  hair (I think it's dirty blonde). He had the most mesmerising green eyes. He smiled at me. Is smile is so ugh! I tried to smiled again but still couldn't. A man walked in and said
"Visiting hours are over. You have to leave."

   My mom came over and hugged me. The boy kissed me on the lips. I froze and he noticed. He looked at me confused
"Babe.. I mean y/n what's wrong?"
I looked at him and glanced at the desk next to em and saw my phone I quikly grabbed it and typed into notepad.
"I can't talk.... who are you? I mean your cute but I dotn know you. Why did you kiss me? Are we dating." He read it. He looked said than laughed at the end.

  He looked up at me with his eyes. He was still smiling. He finally took a deal breath and spoke
"I'm Connor franta. I'm your boy freind. We had a fight the night you got in the crash. I-i-i-i cheated.😞"

  My eyes widened and I quikly typed in all caps
"YOU CHEATED?! but your so cute.😞 Why did you cheat?" He read it and smile and lifted my chin up
"Y/n in so sorry. You are my life but I can't really you why for fear you will leave me." I nodded lightly. He smiled even wider. He stood up abd said
"See you tomorrow b...." he didn't finish sentence before signing and leaving. I sighed and closed my eyes when the doctor came in. He asked me
"Hello miss y/l/n. Would you like to know your medical condition?" I nodded weekly and he smiled and started to read from a clip board.
"Ok... you broke your jaw wich you need surgery for. You sprained your wrist wich we will wrap later on. You fractured your ankle wich we will need to put a cast on. And you broke a couple ribs wich will put you in a wheel chair." I nodded and went to sleep.
*Next morning*

  I woke up with cats and wraps all over my body. I sighed and looked to my right and saw connor. He smiled at me and I tried to smile bht still couldn't. The doctor walked in and said
"No talking. Nothing with your mouth. We are going to give you a device that will say what you want to. You can type what youw ant to say." He handed me a mini iPad. I put in the smiling emoji and it announced
"Smiley." He smiled and left.

    Connor looked at me and mumbled
"Dick." I typed in "haha." And it said haha. Connor chuckled and got my wheel chair and asked
"Bathroom?" I nodded and he picks me up and set me on it.

  It's a robotic one so I could use my left hand to stear. Because I sprained my right wrist. I controlled it to the bathroom. Connor followed me to help. He picked me up and set me on the toilet and left.

  I did my business and I typed "Connor!!!" And it screamed his nane. He came in and picked me up set me on the wheel chair. I controlled it to the sinks and connor took the old cover off the control pad and put a new one on.

We left the bathroom and went back the my room.

  We arrived and connor went to my phone knowing my passcode he unlocked it. Connected it to my light blue beats pill and we jammed out to 5sos.

   At the moment permanent vacation is playing. So I'm jamming and connor im singing.
*Skip to when y/n is all healed.*
  I got out of my car and went to Mt front door. I unlocked it and went to mt stereo and put 5sos on (obsessed I'm see them in concert in 2 weeks in Michigan) jet black heart came on and I screamed.ed the lyrics.
"But now that I'm broken! And now that you know it!" There was a knock at the door. I went over and answered it go see connor with a bouquet of roses. I smiled at him and hugged him. He kissed my neck and we walked to my kitchen. I put the flowers into a vase and kissed connor on the lips. We pulled away and I said
"Thanks babe." He smiled 😊 I laughed and went to the living room and sat down. I called connor in and he sat next to me. I looked at him and asked
"Are you all packed and ready to move in?" He nodded and I squealed when 5sos catch fire came on I screamed the lyrics
"All my life I've been waiting for Moments to come! When I catch fire!" Connor laughed dat me and I stopped and tackle him and sat on his stomach
"What's so funny boo?" He laughed and said
"You." I smiled and hugged him. We fell asleep.
Bad ending I know I just thought it's alittle long but oh well. Thanks for voting and reading guys!!


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