Chapter 14

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Payton was setting the table. It looked so small and out of place in this nice dining room. The chairs were rough and the table scared. The new dining room had freshly polished tongue and groove wood flooring. A new concept that someone had come up with. Joshua had stained it to make it shine. The walls were plaster. Something else new to her. She wasn't sure how many of their neighbors had plaster walls. She felt so out of place in her plain clothing and with her plain furniture in this grand home.

She set a plate down and felt a sharp pain in her back. She stood up and rubbed her lower back. Malissia caught her as she came from the kitchen. The children could be heard running around overhead. "You best sit down, Payton." Malissia told her.

"I'm fine just the aches and pains that come with carrying a baby." Payton said shooing her away.

"I'm not going to listen to you. The men and Doris will be back over here soon and if Joshua and Doris come in and find you have over done it... Well, they'll tan my hide." she smiled, "Won't matter to either one of them that I'm a grown married woman with two children of my own. You sit down and rest a while. Let me finish this up." She pulled out a chair and pushed Payton down into it.

Payton sat down and pulled her skirt up to look at her swollen feet. She was glad this baby was coming in the summer. Her feet had swollen so much she couldn't fit them  into her shoes.

Malissia saw her looking at her feet. "Do they hurt?" she asked, wincing, as she placed the green beans on the table.

"Yes." Payton said, "I wish I could say no but you would know I was ling..." they both laughed.

"Oh, the joys of motherhood!" Malissia sang. "But soon it will be over and you and Joshua will be holding your precious little baby."

Payton nodded her head as her hand stroked her stomach. "Yes..." she whispered, "Soon."

Payton sat down and watched as Malissia finished setting the table with their meal.

Just as Malissa had foretold Doris, James and Joshua entered the new home. Everyone was talking and smiling. Payton wished she could just freeze the moment so she could remember how happy they all were. James and Joshua surveyed the table.

"Mmmm...." James said, "I'm starving and this looks fit for a king."

Malissa went and wrapped her arms around his middle, "Fit for our kings." she winked a Payton. She kissed her husband on the cheek and then said, "I'll go and call the children...." With that she was up the stair.

Joshua walked over to Payton who was still sitting down. "Are you feeling bad?" he asked concern drenched his voice.

"No," she said, "Just tired. Malissia made me sit down. She was afraid the two of you would whoop her." she said pointing at him and Doris.

"She's right." Doris said and then came over to hug her new neighbor. "Thank you so much for asking me to stay."

Payton held her, "I'm just so glad you were willing. You might be running for town in another month or two." they both laughed. Doris pulled away but held Payton's hands in her own.

"Well, thank you. and I doubt I'll be running anywhere."

"I'm just sorry that Joshua hasn't had the chance to make the changes to the cabin yet. I really had hoped you could have a spout in the kitchen before you moved."

Doris looked from Joshua to Payton before saying, "I don't mind. Honey, I had a lot less than that little cabin when I was growing up and first married. That home Patrick and I shared was nicest place I ever lived. Don't get me wrong, it was great and I loved it but a home is where your heart is and my heart just wasn't there anymore." She sighed, "Besides I wanted to move before this little one comes. I wanted to be close so Joshua wouldn't have to leave you alone to come and get me."

Joshua watched the two women. Doris was mothering his wife.

"Oh goodness me!" Doris said, "You need to put those feet up! We'll soak them tomorrow but tonight you need to put them up. Now!" she said when Payton wasn't quick enough.

The night went by quickly. Everyone enjoyed the meal. Doris and Malissa cleaned the dishes and put them away. They neither one would let Payton budge from her chair. Joshua and James sat on the porch steps and watched the children run around the yard. Joshua was happier than he had been in a long time. Having Doris so close lifted a weight off his shoulders.

"You look mighty pleased with yourself." James told him.

"Not myself." he answered, "God. He has worked this all out. I'll just be glad when that baby is here and this is all over..."

James clamped his hand on Joshua's shoulder and squeezed it. "It won't be long, friend. Don't doubt the power of God."

"It's not his power I doubt, James... It's what his will might be that worries me..." he shook his head and sighed, "I just can't do what I did with Eliza again. I'll go crazy if I have to watch Payton...." he blew out a huff of air and stood up. He couldn't sit still when he thought about the possibilities. "I'm just so nervous of loosing her. I loved Eliza, I did. It liked to have killed me when she died. I blamed God and myself, that poor baby. I hated myself, I just didn't know how to deal with it." He looked at his friend, "You know that. You saw what a mess I was. It almost cost me, Payton.... If she... If she... Dies." he choked on the word. "I can't do that again. I love her so much. I don't want to say more than Eliza but the two of us... It's just so different. I would be lost without her... I can't loose myself. I'll have three maybe four children to raise and I can't loose it. I'll have to be strong for them."

James stood and walked over to his friend. They weren't really huggers but he wanted to show him that he understood and he wanted to comfort him. He put a hand on his shoulder and shook it, "You'll be okay. Malissa and I would be here to help but I'm hoping and praying that you won't need our help. Not for anything more than to help you with that cabin...." he laughed. He was trying to lighten the conversation up a little. Even as close as they were, they never really talked much about their feelings and it was a little strange.

Joshua sighed and a smile made it's way from his lips to his eyes, "You're a good friend James. Thanks.

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Where stories live. Discover now