Chapter 4

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I suprised at her words. How can she say that I failed as an idol.
She went out the room. I wanted to discuss it with her so I stood up and ran out from my room.
She have already left. Chung Ae noona looked at me.
-What is it? I looked at her with my bitch face.
-Nothing. Come in. You have to look georgous at the photoshoot.
Noona grinned at herself it was strange.
So she put on make up and made my hair. When we did the preparation we went to the studio. The boys were already here.
-Our maknae is here guys said Baekhyun.
I didn't care what did he say I only could think about what did she said
I thought that an idol have to be kind to his fan.
-Okay boys please stand in front of the camera! Said the camera man.
I noticed the shoot was beginning. I stood next to Chanyeol.
We took different positions and sometimes I didn't look at the camera.
-Sehun please take attention here said the camera man.
-Oh yes, sorry
-What's with you? Murmured Chanyeol.
-Guys discuss it later we have an photoshoot said Suho.
After the photoshoot we decided to buy food and ate.
-Sehun are you all right? Baekhyun asked.
-Yes why. I drink my bubble tea.
-Because you were ou of your mind.
-Something definitely happened tó him said Chen.
-If something bothers you, you can tell us said Luhan.
-Actually I was thinking about the fansign. I hurted one of my fan.
-Why is that? Asked Tao.
-I meet a girl. She said that I thought that an idol have to be kind to his fan. She thinks I'm an asshole 'cause I hurted her little sister.
-Oh Sehun got dumped by a girl said Chanyeol. Baekhyun and Chen also laughed with him.
-Shut up!!! I said angrily.
-Guys please stop said Suho.
-She was very clever to talk you in private said Baekhyun.
-Am I an asshole idol?
-No but you were rude at that time Sehun said Baekhyun.
-It's not my fault that I was tired and some fan annoyed me.
-Listen Sehun if you 're in a bad mood you don't have the right to be rude with the fans. You have to be kind to them because they like us and without them we didn't succeed said Luhan.
-Luhan's right said Baekhyun.
-You are right thanks. Okay I'll apologise to her to become a better idol.
-That's our Sehun smiled Luhan.

I determined myself to correct my mistake.

I hope you like it.
Thank you very much for reading and supporting my story. :)

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